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Which Therm-IC kit to buy


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
I want to buy a Therm-IC heat kit for my ski boots. Is it worth getting the 1700B over the 1300B for the longer operating time (as I don't always remember to charge things)? My main concern is that I know the 1700B is heaver, and I assume it's larger, too, but I cannot find anything online that shows a comparison or even gives dimensions.


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
I want to buy a Therm-IC heat kit for my ski boots. Is it worth getting the 1700B over the 1300B for the longer operating time (as I don't always remember to charge things)? My main concern is that I know the 1700B is heaver, and I assume it's larger, too, but I cannot find anything online that shows a comparison or even gives dimensions.
The difference is the milliamps of the battery. 1700 will last longer than 1300. If you only use the 1st setting 1300 should be fine. If you get cold and use the 2nd or 3rd then 1700 is better. I have intuition liner & heaters and I use the 2nd setting on days when the temp drops to single digits. Keep in mind that altitude matters. The higher you go the less oxygen the colder you feel, the worse battery performance.


Angel Diva
I've had both versions and see very little difference in how they last. I also didn't notice a difference in the actual size and weight of the batteries.
Get the 1700 and enjoy your cozy feet.

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