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What do you forget on your first day?


Angel Diva
@Divegirl Great reminder, that it is not just the first day forgetfulness that smacks us hard sometimes.

At least once a season:

I leave my skis on the rack at night and find them back on the rack in the morning, after they moved them off the snow to groom and back. Thank you kind humans!

Walk up to teach a lesson with my helmet still on the bench in the locker room.

Forget to charge my boot warmer batteries. I now have a second charged set in the locker room, plus spare charger.

To allow for an extra five minutes on powder mornings to clear the snow off my truck on my way to work.

To review lesson notes from the previous year for return students.

To put both legs through both pant leg openings BEFORE buckling both ski boots. Sometimes, I even forget to put the ski pants on at all!

Once I thought I forgot my skis and poles as I was waiting for my students at line up. Felt so dumb as it was a powder day and the first time skiing with the husband of a long time student. He must have thought I was a total air brain. Turns out a lady brought them up the gondola thinking they were hers. I was vindicated, but skiing pow on skinny boards and no poles was not the professional look I was aiming for that day.

All such laughter inducing memories. Love this forum for that!


Angel Diva
These days I carry so many extras including snacks. I’m such a mom. That said when I was in my 20s I have forgotten my pants. For an exam last year though I forgot my helmet at the house I was staying at. Luckily it was my old home mountain and the trainer helped me find one super quick. Nothing like an exam to get you out of your rhythm!

ski diva

Staff member
First day out today (FINALLY), and I was so, so careful to go over and over my things so I wouldn't forget anything.

Ha! The universe had other plans.

My Leki poles have straps that detach from the poles and wrap around your gloves. You use them to click in and out of the poles, as needed. So those are what I forgot. I know, in the grand scheme of things, not so terrible.

They're in my boot bag now, for tomorrow.
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Certified Ski Diva
I was cold on the chairlift and realized I lost my hat (helmet liner). I hope it's just misplaced. It's usually in a "drop pocket" on the inside of my jacket. (It may be switched to a zippered pocket in the future.)


Angel Diva
First day was yesterday at Wolf Creek. Wasn't the best start when I realized that I left my phone at the rental house. My housemates weren't skiing in the morning. Turned out it was relatively warm and sunny (not quite enough to melt snow though) so I ended up driving back (20 min) to change. Then we headed back to WCSA together. They had wondered why I wasn't answering their texts. :redface:

Also realized I didn't bring the small water bottle to put in my little day pack. That wasn't as big a deal since there is more than once place to stop and hydrate while skiing.


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
First day out today (FINALLY), and I was so, so careful to go over and over my things so I wouldn't forget anything.

Ha! The universe had other plans.

My Leki poles have straps that detach from the poles and wrap around your gloves. You use them to click in and out of the poles, as needed. So those are what I forgot. I know, in the grand scheme of things, not so terrible.

They're in my boot bag now, for tomorrow.
OMG, I forgot how often I forget those things! I switch between gloves and mittens and leave them on whichever is the other ones. Now I try to remember to slip them off the gloves and clip them into the poles. Totally effective if I remember that step. Lol


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
So my first day was brain-fart free. Yesterday, however, I was all booted and ready to go when @lisamamot asked if I ski with a brace now. !!! Back to fetch my boot bag from the cubbies. At least I had my brace with me, but I had complete flaked on wearing it. I think I need to start keeping it in the same section as my boots instead of a side pocket of my boot bag.

santacruz skier

Angel Diva
So my first day was brain-fart free. Yesterday, however, I was all booted and ready to go when @lisamamot asked if I ski with a brace now. !!! Back to fetch my boot bag from the cubbies. At least I had my brace with me, but I had complete flaked on wearing it. I think I need to start keeping it in the same section as my boots instead of a side pocket of my boot bag.
I keep mine inside my boots! Going to Tahoe Sunday-Friday so let’s see if I remember everything!


Angel Diva
My Leki poles have straps that detach from the poles and wrap around your gloves. You use them to click in and out of the poles, as needed. So those are what I forgot. I know, in the grand scheme of things, not so terrible.

That kind of is terrible though! Did you just ski without them and pray that you didn't get one stuck in the snow? I did that once.

ski diva

Staff member
That kind of is terrible though! Did you just ski without them and pray that you didn't get one stuck in the snow? I did that once.

Yeah, I just skied without them. It wasn't the first time; I've done it before.

Chute Goddess

Diva in Training
Hi Ski Divas,
I am new to this platform and forum and so excited to be here. This is my first post. I stumbled upon this forum after weeding through some toxic masculinity when I googled "what to do when you ski faster than your spouse" because my first day was a deep powder day because I forgot to bring my patience for my husband who is slower than me and I got upset about having to wait for powder turns.
(FYI I found some great answers reading an old thread here and decided to join.)
Every time I ski I try to do a head to toe touch regardless of the day and time! Regardless, every year I forget my socks or a mid layer.


Angel Diva
@Chute Goddess I love your whole process of ending up on this forum! I love how inquisitive you are about finding a solution for your issue... Hats off to you.


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
That kind of is terrible though! Did you just ski without them and pray that you didn't get one stuck in the snow? I did that once.
Keep in mind that skiing hard pack New England snow, poles don't tend to get stuck. Even when I try to jam them down if I stop to adjust bindings, pull out my phone, etc. I often have to give it a few tries to make sure they're in deep enough not to fall over.

Chute Goddess

Diva in Training
@Chute Goddess I love your whole process of ending up on this forum! I love how inquisitive you are about finding a solution for your issue... Hats off to you.
Thank you! I appreciate the support. I was so excited to find this, and I shared with some coworkers (we are all in the ski/snow industry working for Turtle Fur). What a stellar resource and safe place.
In the future I am going to take 1-3 runs solo and get the "speed" out of my system, then enjoy the rest of the day with the sweetie (advice from the diva forum)!


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
Didn't forget anything, but...
I can't find where I put several items. :rolleyes:Luckily it was warm so I could make due with lighter weight substitutions


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
I can report that I didn't forget anything the first day. I did spend a ridiculous amount of time trying on socks to find some that didn't feel uncomfortably tight even though I wore them last season.


Angel Diva
@Chute Goddess what an amazing story…! And welcome!

welp. I did it. My first day on snow was Dec 7 (opening day was Dec 3) and I remembered water and snacks but I forgot my goggles. Mind you it was dumping buckets AND we had that fun wind that the Northeast likes to get when it’s dumping.

It ended up not mattering bc it was so deep and/or soft that all the work I was doing warmed my face right up! Lol. Just had to cover for the chair lift ride. Still pretty dangerous with the eyes unprotected... Tsk tsk (to me)…


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
So my first day was brain-fart free. Yesterday, however, I was all booted and ready to go when @lisamamot asked if I ski with a brace now. !!! Back to fetch my boot bag from the cubbies. At least I had my brace with me, but I had complete flaked on wearing it. I think I need to start keeping it in the same section as my boots instead of a side pocket of my boot bag.
The first time I got dressed to ski this season I was dressed but not booted up yet. Then I remembered my braces! I debated not wearing them for about one millisecond before getting redressed.

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