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What are you doing to stay in shape?


Angel Diva
Haven't tried these yet . . . and only have a ball at home, but the emphasis on balance makes sense for older skiers. Margaret Martin is a physical therapist in Ottawa. Her focus is on bone health as people age.

January 2023


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
@marzNC The PT in the video you posted is spot on in terms of balance and the strength that is required for balance, being key components to skiing safely. I like her exercises, but I wish she would have some easier ones first like starting with a bosu versus a physio for kneeling.

She mentions safety and that her own examples are no good. I am surprised that as a PT she did not take the time to show these examples in a correct environment. Having myself, taken a horrible spill working on a physio ball, I would now never do so on a hard wood floor with walls so close by.

I really liked how she immediately mentioned looking up and down and side to side while balancing. In skiing, we actually do this in reverse. Meaning, that different body parts might be the ones doing the turning, but the head has to stay focused ahead meaning that it does not always align with the upper or lower body and vision is so key to balance.

While they don't impact the points she makes, her takes on skiing technique are perhaps a bit off.

For those with a training partner I think being on the balance board and tossing a ball back and forth while balancing is actually another great exercise as the arms are rarely static while we ski and learning to compensate with the rest of the body to maintain balance is again so important.


Angel Diva
While they don't impact the points she makes, her takes on skiing technique are perhaps a bit off.
She lives in Ottawa . . . perhaps more of a groomer skier? :wink:

That's the only video she has for skiers, so I don't think it's a high priority. She also has exercises for pickleball, which probably is of interest to more seniors.

I like her exercises, but I wish she would have some easier ones first like starting with a bosu versus a physio for kneeling.
Here's what she has as the most basic exercises to improve balance.

November 2022

My favorite balance exercise video is only a couple minutes. It starts with static balance and then provides an easy way to work on dynamic balance.

May 2013

santacruz skier

Angel Diva
I work out once a week for an hour with a master personal trainer (it's been 7 years +) , mostly on core stability and balance and have done the exercises you initially posted . The wobble board one a lot ! The balancing on fitness ball not as much. Another good one is two Bosu balls, one foot on each, using weights (or one kettlebell) doing squats.
Agree with @snoWYmonkey about her skiing technique and the hard floors, although I noticed she has a yoga mat. I thought the same thing - I would not want to crash into a wall or heavy object !

santacruz skier

Angel Diva
Also try to ride my road bike a couple of times a week and walk the other days..... sometimes run.


Angel Diva
In the last couple months, I started strength training at the climbing gym where my daughter and I were doing core classes together once or twice a week. The trainer who does Core and Strength is very good with beginners and intermediates of all ages. The fitness area is relatively small, so no machines, just kettle bells, dumbbells, barbells, with benches and bands. Been interesting learning how to get things set up.

Don't know how often I'll get to a strength session in Oct-Nov because I have a few fun trips planned. Having learned a few new exercises with dumbbells, should be able to do stuff while traveling since most resort or motel fitness rooms have them. I already knew basic bone-building exercises with a kettle bell.

Bottom line is that I can feel the difference when rock climbing.

For people who have never done strength training and have access to standard machines, here's a good introduction. Also includes a kettlebell and dumbbell exercise. I learned these exercises the first few years working with my personal trainer (2012-15) during the spring and fall.

September 2024


Angel Diva
Following as improving my balance has been at the core of my summer exercise focus.
You've probably seen quite a few of these exercises but might find a few new ideas. I would probably prefer to do some of them standing close to something for support or using the TRX. Not really holding it tightly, but it can provide a bit more confidence to go deeper or longer.



Diva in Training
All I do is walk. I don't really start when the roads are icy, as we live on a hill and I've got a Siberian husky and ice +hill+Siberian = broken hip. But once it's safe I walk to the mailbox and back. Lest you think that's nothing, it's .9 miles each way, so 1.8 round trip with a 16° grade during the last section. Not 7 days a week, more like 5-6. 425 miles since the lifts closed. I had to take a bit of a break in July due to pericarditis or it would be higher.
Many years ago I tried to roller blade while "walking" my malamute. Once. Nothing broken, but had a spectacular bruise on my hip for weeks. Learned my lesson. Walking is much safer!


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
All I do is walk. I don't really start when the roads are icy, as we live on a hill and I've got a Siberian husky and ice +hill+Siberian = broken hip. But once it's safe I walk to the mailbox and back. Lest you think that's nothing, it's .9 miles each way, so 1.8 round trip with a 16° grade during the last section. Not 7 days a week, more like 5-6. 425 miles since the lifts closed. I had to take a bit of a break in July due to pericarditis or it would be higher.
Got another 35 miles in...

It turns out anniversary dinners take ten days to take off. :rolleyes:

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