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What are Divas reading?


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
Reading Tana French “The Hunter”. Just started it but I’m hopeful. I’ve read and liked some of her other books even though I’m not a huge fan of crime fiction. She’s a good writer.


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
Just added another --
the Kristin Lavransdatter trilogy. Originally published in 1920. Nobel Prize for Literature in 1928. Remarkable for a woman at that time. https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/6217.Kristin_Lavransdatter

I had never heard of it before, but the moment I read the description I had to order it. :smile:

"In her great historical epic Kristin Lavransdatter, set in fourteenth-century Norway, Nobel laureate Sigrid Undset tells the life story of one passionate and headstrong woman. Painting a richly detailed backdrop, Undset immerses readers in the day-to-day life, social conventions, and political and religious undercurrents of the period. Now in one volume, Tiina Nunnally's award-winning definitive translation brings this remarkable work to life with clarity and lyrical beauty."

ski diva

Staff member
I just finished reading "The Wide Wide Sea" by Hampton Sides. It's non-fiction. I'm a sucker for nautical adventures ("Kingdom of the Ice," "The Wager," "Labyrinth of Ice," "Sea of Glory," to name a few), and this one doesn't disappoint. It's an account of Captain Cook's third and final voyage to the Pacific, where he was ultimately killed by the natives on Hawai'i. Really good.
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Ski Diva Extraordinaire
Thanx , @MissySki , for mentioning "The Ski Trip." I listened to the Audible version over the weekend while gardening, etc. What a twist!! I had a few quibbles here and there, i.e., (NOT a spoiler) an experienced skier traveling to a resort without packing sensible hiking/snow boots. I know its trivial, but it bothered me.


Angel Diva
Thanx , @MissySki , for mentioning "The Ski Trip." I listened to the Audible version over the weekend while gardening, etc. What a twist!! I had a few quibbles here and there, i.e., (NOT a spoiler) an experienced skier traveling to a resort without packing sensible hiking/snow boots. I know its trivial, but it bothered me.
Haha I had the same exact reaction to a few things like that! To be honest, I feel like that has happened in the last several books I've read with a ski setting. The stories themselves are fun and interesting, but there are some details that make me wish a more experienced skier had written them or edited them to get the little things right too.

santacruz skier

Angel Diva
there are some details that make me wish a more experienced skier had written them or edited them to get the little things right too.
Totally agree..... I still like reading them. Did you read Ruth Ware's One by One?


Angel Diva
I just finished reading "The Wide Wide Sea" by Hampton Sides. It's non-fiction. I'm a sucker for nautical adventures ("Kingdom of the Ice," "The Wager," "Labyrinth of Ice," "Sea of Glory," to name a few), and this one doesn't disappoint. It's an account of Captain Cook's third and final voyage to the Pacific, where he was ultimately killed by the natives on Hawai'i. Really good.

Have you read Sea People: The Puzzle of Polynesia? I really enjoyed it, especially the recounting of the way that European explorers (like Cook) traveled around the 10 million square miles of Polynesia, found everyone speaking a similar language, and thought, what the what.


Amie H

Ski Diva Extraordinaire
I usually buy used books (or trade at local Free Little Libraries) and almost always nonfiction.

In anticipation of the upcoming convention in Chicago, I just finished Mike Royko's "Boss" (about the first Mayor Daley) and am now on Studs Terkel's autobiography, "Touch And Go."

Sidebar: In an Alt Chicago Gen-X twist, "Touch & Go" has another significance, in that it is/was a record label that was the home of a number of late 80s/90s Chicago indie rock bands. A number of those bands had their records engineered by the recently-deceased Steve Albini, who also happened to be an alumnus of my Alma Mater. In addition to my "old school" Chicago journo-themed reading of late, I've been watching documentaries and reading interviews involving some of the bands/characters that made up my post-undergrad years in the city circa 1991-95.


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
Have you read Sea People: The Puzzle of Polynesia? I really enjoyed it, especially the recounting of the way that European explorers (like Cook) traveled around the 10 million square miles of Polynesia, found everyone speaking a similar language, and thought, what the what.

I must look that one up. A doco screened here earlier this year or late last year which investigated all the similarities amongst the Pacifica people, it was fascinating.


Certified Ski Diva
I just finished the Silo Series. They were fun reads! I recommend them for an interesting but easy to read series.

The premise of the books felt refreshing and new.

Now i am reading a book a friend wrote. So no one has heard of it.


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
"The Bedwetter: Stories of Courage, Redemption and Pee" - a memoir by comedian Sarah Silverman. :smile:


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
I've been reading Jan Karon's Mitford books, and a new Stephen King collection of short stories. That's a bit of a dichotomy there!

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