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Valle Nevado in Chile


Certified Ski Diva
Has anyone skiied at Valle Nevado in Chile? I looked into going there this summer (mid July to late Aug) but a You Tube video tour left me less enthusiastic. It’s done by a mediocre skier on wayyy short skis(!?!) but he does a nice job of showing off the slopes. It appeared to be pretty mild terrain. The crazy good ski photos in ski magazines appear to be terrain accessed via heli or boot pack. Would love to hear if anyone has skiied the resort (yes, it’s on Ikon Pass). Thank you!


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
It's been a while. Mostly intermediate. One detachable. Slow chairs. The most interesting terrain is off piste or a short hike away. I went with an American tour outfit cuz of safety. The guides were better equipped & better trained than local patrol.


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
Agreed. The slopes are mainly intermediate but can be a lot of fun particularly in fresh powder.

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