• Women skiers, this is the place for you -- an online community without the male-orientation you'll find in conventional ski magazines and internet ski forums. At TheSkiDiva.com, you can connect with other women to talk about skiing in a way that you can relate to, about things that you find of interest. Be sure to join our community to participate (women only, please!). Registration is fast and simple. Just be sure to add [email protected] to your address book so your registration activation emails won't be routed as spam. And please give careful consideration to your user name -- it will not be changed once your registration is confirmed.

User Titles: How your site access changes the more you post


Staff member
You may have noticed that everyone on The Ski Diva has a "user title" under their name. Here's an example:

These titles will be one of the following:

Diva In Training (0 - 14 posts)
When you first register for The Ski Diva, your title is Diva In Training. At this level you can post to all of the public forums on the site, but not the private forums.

Certified Ski Diva (15 - 99 posts)
After you've posted 15 times, your title will change to Certified Ski Diva. This lets you post in all forums on the site, both public and private. Private forums include:
- The Meet On The Hill forums, where we discuss in person meetups and trips.
- Gear & Lodging Swap forums, where you can trade gear and accommodations with other Divas.
- A general private forum to talk about anything you'd prefer to keep away from Google's wandering eyes.

Ski Diva Extraordinaire (100+ Posts)
Once you've posted 100 times, your title will change to Ski Diva Extraordinaire. This doesn't bring any additional perks beyond the respect and appreciation of your fellow forum members. :smile:

Angel Diva (supports the site)
If you've made a monetary donation to support the site, your title becomes Angel Diva. Running this site isn't free from a financial or time perspective, and we deeply appreciate anyone who donates when they get value from what we've got going on here.

Why do we do this?
It's nice to have a little bit of privacy around posts involving plans to meet up in real life, and around any posts that are about more sensitive topics. Everyone isn't comfortable with the whole internet knowing where they're planning to be, and it's nice to not let the whole internet read threads about hard things members are dealing with.

*** UPDATE Nov 25, 2023 ***
We've reduced the number of posts it takes to become a Certified Ski Diva from 25 to 15. Diva Trips and Meet On The Hill threads are an important part of the forum, and we'd like the associated threads to be available to new members sooner.
Last edited:


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
Thanx @RachelV . How do we contribute to the site? I was looking for a "contribute" or "donate" button but maybe I'm not looking hard/deep enough.



Staff member
Thanx @RachelV . How do we contribute to the site? I was looking for a "contribute" or "donate" button but maybe I'm not looking hard/deep enough.


Thanks for asking. In the past you've contributed by sending money directly to @ski diva. I'm setting things up so you can pay directly through the site -- which is a feature the forum software we use supports -- but it's not quite ready yet. I will post a thread and update here when it is!


Angel Diva
The only thing I have thought about changing on my name is my actual name instead of SnowHot, since so many people know me across many platforms as Tricia


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
The only thing I have thought about changing on my name is my actual name instead of SnowHot, since so many people know me across many platforms as Tricia
Me too. I'm SuzSkis on other platforms and would like to even things out. That said, it must be a hassle to change user names for the administrators, so I'm happy to do what it is best for them.


Angel Diva
Me too. I'm SuzSkis on other platforms and would like to even things out. That said, it must be a hassle to change user names for the administrators, so I'm happy to do what it is best for them.
As someone who has managed two forums and owns one currently, changing is not that big of a hassle, but there is a continuity of keeping the username dues to tags. For that reason I'm okay with being snowhot here even though I use my real name Tricia on SkiTalk.


Staff member
But Trekchik on Epic? I started Tremblant insider with Jilly, which is almost my name. So kept it here. I don't really have a "nickname", so that's what I came up with.


Angel Diva
But Trekchik on Epic? I started Tremblant insider with Jilly, which is almost my name. So kept it here. I don't really have a "nickname", so that's what I came up with.
There's an interesting story about how TrekChick came about, which came from my practice husband's motorcycle days and my time on a motorcycle website because I wasn't into motorcycles but had my trek bike. I was only on those sites to do the work I needed to do for his track work.


Diva in Training
I joined many years ago and then things kind of fell by the wayside, whether it was your site activity or my inactivity on social media, but I just received notice via an e-mail about the Ski West weekend. Trying to navigate through the site again to find more info. Thanks! Lori, who "skis like a girl"


Staff member
I joined many years ago and then things kind of fell by the wayside, whether it was your site activity or my inactivity on social media, but I just received notice via an e-mail about the Ski West weekend. Trying to navigate through the site again to find more info. Thanks! Lori, who "skis like a girl"

It's a little confusing for new members (I'm trying to figure out ways to make this less confusing), but, for privacy reasons, you can't see the threads involving real life trips and meetups until you've posted 25 times. Once you hit that threshold, you'll be able to get all the info about the trips here:

In the meantime, there's a blog post with some general info here:

It really doesn't take very long to get to 25 posts if you poke around and reply to a few threads. :smile:


Staff member
I wish we could change usernames, but have maybe something underneath saying what our original name was.

Yeah - good thought. We don't want too many people changing usernames just because it's confusing if you've got a decent posting history and people remember your username, but I don't see why we couldn't allow something like that on a limited basis. Let me add it to the list.


Staff member
If you wish to add anything under your user name here how to do it.

1. Click on your avatar/name in the upper right corner.
2. Click on account details.
3. Custom title - enter what you want.

Remember the forum is open to the internet. So you might just want something like: You can call me "X".

I've added the custom title I have over on SkiTalk to mine. It is not staying here.

Amie H

Ski Diva Extraordinaire
@Jilly I wanted to add my social media handle under my SkiDiva name. I followed your instructions above but don't see a "custom title" option. Is this perhaps only for staff members?

That said, I'm fine w what is there currently. ("Angel Diva')

santacruz skier

Angel Diva
I checked it out for the heck of it and I don't see a "custom title" option either. Is it just for Moderators?


Staff member
I will be figuring out the answers to all of these questions soonish. In order to turn on the new way to pay to support the site I need to untangle all of this "user title" stuff, so people get changed to Angel Diva properly, etc. Stay tuned.

@Amie H you could put your social media handle in your signature in the meantime, which is also in the dropdown menu under your avatar and definitely available to everyone.


Angel Diva
A little off topic . . . how many posts are needed in order to PM? I vaguely remember that it's less than 10. Or at least I've been able to PM a new member well before they 25 posts. I'm thinking a new member can't initiate a PM right after they join and start posting.


Certified Ski Diva
It's a little confusing for new members (I'm trying to figure out ways to make this less confusing), but, for privacy reasons, you can't see the threads involving real life trips and meetups until you've posted 25 times. Once you hit that threshold, you'll be able to get all the info about the trips here:

In the meantime, there's a blog post with some general info here:

It really doesn't take very long to get to 25 posts if you poke around and reply to a few threads. :smile:
Thanks for the tip. Trying to work my way up there, but you’re right… not too difficult!


Staff member
Just wanted to note that we've reduced the number of posts it takes to become a Certified Ski Diva from 25 to 15. New members not being able to see Meet On The Hill threads has been a long-term source of confusion, and I think it will be good for new members to be able to see these threads sooner.

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