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Taos ski week starting Feb. 16


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
I'm thrilled to be heading to Taos for the Ski Week starting Feb. 16, arriving to ABQ at 10:51 a.m. on Sat. Feb. 15, then heading up to town for the first night night to acclimate before moving to Alpine Suites on Sunday. Flying back east Feb. 22 so spending the night at an airport hotel on the 21st. If this schedule aligns with anyone I'd love to share the cost of a car rental (not yet booked).


Angel Diva
I'm thrilled to be heading to Taos for the Ski Week starting Feb. 16, arriving to ABQ at 10:51 a.m. on Sat. Feb. 15, then heading up to town for the first night night to acclimate before moving to Alpine Suites on Sunday. Flying back east Feb. 22 so spending the night at an airport hotel on the 21st. If this schedule aligns with anyone I'd love to share the cost of a car rental (not yet booked).
I'll be at TSV in Feb, staying at a rental in Taos. Would love to touch base to ski.


Angel Diva
I'll be skiing TSV the week of Feb. 16. Spending the holiday weekend at Wolf Creek and getting to Taos on Sunday evening. That's in the middle of a longer Taos trip, so can't help with transportation on Feb. 15.

Looking forward to skiing with you in the afternoons. Enjoyed our trips to Big Sky the last couple seasons even though we didn't ski together that much.


Angel Diva
Darn, I want to do a ski week but won’t be able to until March.

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