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Tall skinnies, please help


Angel Diva
I have never been skinny. Like, even the pics of me as a teen where I was leaner than I am now, my body is quite mesomorph. In middle age, it’s mesomorph with some cushion. LOL.

So, of course I gave birth to an ectomorph. She’s definitely my mother’s granddaughter. Very long and very lean. We jokingly refer to her as a head and some legs, because her legs are very long.

So, here I am, with a 5’5” 12 year old who weighs 90 lbs and a 31-32 inch inseam and I need to get her new snowpants soon. And of course you know the legs are only going to get longer.

We tried on some hand me down North Face snow pants (size small) and they were so big on her that they fell off while she was standing in them. None of my similarly built friends are also skiers/snowboarders. So, while they can help with problems like jeans, they have no idea how to help me with snow gear.

So, tall, lean Divas… go to brands? Best bib options? who makes the best true xs or s in tall? We’re tracking to definitely needing them for next year, but I figure that means I should start my research now. I’ll probably also need to get her new boots/skis next year, b/c I hope if she grows at her current rate she can get to 100 lbs before she’s taller than me.



Certified Ski Diva
I am the opposite of tall (5'0) however I did just buy these pants: https://www.evo.com/outlet/insulated-pants/planks-clothing-all-time-womens

One of the reviews was commending the pants for being good for tall girls. I have to roll them up quite a bit when I don't have my ski boots on. Not sure what your daughter's waist measurement is at but there are velcro straps on the side to adjust to your size. I am probably a 25-26 waist and I use the velcro straps. There's a little bit of a gap in the back but I have a lot of trouble finding any pants that are proportionate to my larger thighs, smaller waist, and small legs so this is the best it's gonna get for me lol. Good luck!


Angel Diva
LOL, yeah, tall and thin here. But also laughing at the description of 5'5" as tall!

My inseam is closer to 34", so she's likely to be fine with regular length pants. I'm guessing the bigger problem will be the combo with the waist size.

My Obermeyer are regular length, but I know they come in long also, they just didn't have them at the store and I wanted the pants NOW! They are also adjustable around the waist, but I have them cinched pretty far. But even though I'm not curvy, I do have some butt, and I like to have room for layers, so I may have bought a size bigger than necessary.

My Sunice pants run tiny bit shorter than the Obermeyer, and I don't know if they come in longs or not. They also have an adjustable waist.

Nils is a brand I've seen in the past, with adjustable leg length, not sure about waist, but they were boring black and I didn't want that then.

I also have an older pair of Helly Hansen that I got from @MaineSkiLady years ago. Regular length, and I don't remember if the waist adjusts, but I was younger and thinner then (although still quite a bit more than 90 lbs). They'd most likely still be too big for her, but you could have them if you want something to have on hand while you look. Haven't worn them in several years. They're ivory colored, and have some faint grease spots but still in good shape for an emergency.

santacruz skier

Angel Diva
I have never been skinny. Like, even the pics of me as a teen where I was leaner than I am now, my body is quite mesomorph. In middle age, it’s mesomorph with some cushion. LOL.

So, of course I gave birth to an ectomorph. She’s definitely my mother’s granddaughter. Very long and very lean. We jokingly refer to her as a head and some legs, because her legs are very long.

So, here I am, with a 5’5” 12 year old who weighs 90 lbs and a 31-32 inch inseam and I need to get her new snowpants soon. And of course you know the legs are only going to get longer.

We tried on some hand me down North Face snow pants (size small) and they were so big on her that they fell off while she was standing in them. None of my similarly built friends are also skiers/snowboarders. So, while they can help with problems like jeans, they have no idea how to help me with snow gear.

So, tall, lean Divas… go to brands? Best bib options? who makes the best true xs or s in tall? We’re tracking to definitely needing them for next year, but I figure that means I should start my research now. I’ll probably also need to get her new boots/skis next year, b/c I hope if she grows at her current rate she can get to 100 lbs before she’s taller than me.

Flylow Foxy bibs run really long (IMO) and narrow....


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
What about Nth Face bibs ? I think they come in a "tall" option, I've got Billabong bibs that are fairly long, I'm 5'5" ish and they are long on me.


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
I say go with bibs with a tall inseam. A little loose around the waist won't matter since the straps will hold them up, and will hopefully accommodate any growth spurts so you don't have to shell out again next year. The Flylow Foxy mentioned by @santacruz skier comes in tall, as do the North Face Freedom bibs. The Foxy is a shell, but apparently fairly warm, and the Freedom is insulated.


Certified Ski Diva
I don't think she's going to need actual Tall length inseams. Regular is usually a 32" inseam, so she should be OK. I'm tall (5'9 and straddling the line of regular vs tall inseams at 33") and do NOT have skinny legs, so let me tell you what absolutely doesn't work for me: Flylow. My hips aren't even on their size chart, even though I have a 30" waist :laughter:

If she has trouble keeping pants up due to lack of hips, I'd suggest she go the bibs route instead of pants (which is ironically what I have to do, too, since I have to buy the size that fits my hips, leaving me looking like you could stuff 3 of me into the waistband)


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
I don't think she's going to need actual Tall length inseams. Regular is usually a 32" inseam, so she should be OK. I'm tall (5'9 and straddling the line of regular vs tall inseams at 33") and do NOT have skinny legs, so let me tell you what absolutely doesn't work for me: Flylow. My hips aren't even on their size chart, even though I have a 30" waist :laughter:

If she has trouble keeping pants up due to lack of hips, I'd suggest she go the bibs route instead of pants (which is ironically what I have to do, too, since I have to buy the size that fits my hips, leaving me looking like you could stuff 3 of me into the waistband)
But keep in mind that for some reason they think that small sizes= shorter and large sizes = taller. Umm, just because my waist grew doesn't mean my legs did. The Flylow size chart lists xs reg with a 29 inseam, s reg with a 30 inseam, xs tall with a 31 inseam, and s tall with a 32 inseam. For TNF it is xs reg 30.5, s reg 31, xs tall 32.5, s tall 33.


Angel Diva
Thank you Divas!!!! I appreciate all the ideas. I’ll go over these with her. She’s likely to top out in the 5‘10” - 6’ range, and so I view next year’s bibs likely as an intermediate step.


Certified Ski Diva
Thank you Divas!!!! I appreciate all the ideas. I’ll go over these with her. She’s likely to top out in the 5‘10” - 6’ range, and so I view next year’s bibs likely as an intermediate step.
When she needs the truly tall lengths, North Face and Burton both make women's talls. The longest I've seen is Nobody's Princess - their talls are 37" (I'll be ordering from them next summer when they launch their new bibs and ski coats, and my husband wants me to order a pair of 37" pants for him, too, because he is 6'6 and tall enough for him doesn't exist)


Angel Diva
LOL, yeah, tall and thin here. But also laughing at the description of 5'5" as tall!
I know… she’s growing about 2-3 inches a year and she’s almost 12. So, not tall AT THE MOMENT (I’m 5’8”) but she’s gonna lap me this year, and she probably has about 2-3 years of growing left, based on her current state. She’s definitely got 4-6 inches in her in the next 2 years.

So, yes, not tall, but I’m trying to plan for next year. And MAYBE get her something on sale now, rather than having to buy skis/boots for her and coats for both kids at the beginning of the season.

Also, her current pants (Spyder kids) are totally high waters, but she figures that with a ski boot on, it doesn’t REALLY matter.


Angel Diva
I know… she’s growing about 2-3 inches a year and she’s almost 12. So, not tall AT THE MOMENT (I’m 5’8”) but she’s gonna lap me this year, and she probably has about 2-3 years of growing left, based on her current state. She’s definitely got 4-6 inches in her in the next 2 years.

So, yes, not tall, but I’m trying to plan for next year. And MAYBE get her something on sale now, rather than having to buy skis/boots for her and coats for both kids at the beginning of the season.

Also, her current pants (Spyder kids) are totally high waters, but she figures that with a ski boot on, it doesn’t REALLY matter.
I got tall early - think I stopped growing at 14 (8th grade) when I hit 5’9”. And it’s all leg.


Angel Diva
I got tall early - think I stopped growing at 14 (8th grade) when I hit 5’9”. And it’s all leg.
I’ll just drive her over to Michigan and you can be her mentor… ;) It’s really trippy being 5’8” and gearing up to be the shortest person in our house within a year. Completely bizarre. Especially because I’m of Indian descent, and I was always a GIANT.


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
So, here I am, with a 5’5” 12 year old who weighs 90 lbs and a 31-32 inch inseam and I need to get her new snowpants soon. And of course you know the legs are only going to get longer.
I suspect a bib may be best and I would recommend the FlyLow Foxy in an XS. The Foxy runs narrow and long and if she still has space she could layer underneath if needed.

I’ll just drive her over to Michigan and you can be her mentor… ;) It’s really trippy being 5’8” and gearing up to be the shortest person in our house within a year. Completely bizarre. Especially because I’m of Indian descent, and I was always a GIANT.
Yup, I am 5'9" and the shortest in my family. My 23 year old daughter is 5'11", but we are suspicious that she is what we term 5'12" and her twin brother is 6', my husband is 6'2". My daughter did not start the real growth spurt until she was nearly a junior in high school when she grew 3" and gained zero pounds - a glimpse into your future? She is fit and athletic and now wears a size M tall/extra tall as she is all leg whereas sadly I am all torso. She got the legs along with other assets that I did not, lol.


Angel Diva
I’ll just drive her over to Michigan and you can be her mentor… ;) It’s really trippy being 5’8” and gearing up to be the shortest person in our house within a year. Completely bizarre. Especially because I’m of Indian descent, and I was always a GIANT.
Right, just what I want as a childless person - the teenage years! (Honestly, better than the diaper, not talking years. At least I remember being a teenager. In a different era.)

Oh, and a little story I just remembered. Was shopping in Chicago with a childhood friend and two coworkers. At some point I stopped dead in my tracks and announced that I had just realized I was the petite one in the group! It was awesome!


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
Spyder and Obermeyer both go pretty small--down to size 0. Obermeyer also has long length, but she doesn't need that (yet) at 5'5". Roxy runs smaller, too--try an XS from them.

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