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Sugarbush / Mad River Glen 2023-2024


Certified Ski Diva
Sugarbush! Been open 5 days so far, I’ve been there every day. (I’m a little tired.)

Currently just Pushover/Lower Pushover/Slowpoke (and then the runout from those back to Gatehouse lift), which I consider one trail with a traffic split partway down. (They call this “four” trails, which… okay sure.) Technically there’s also a hike park at Mt Ellen, but no lifts and it’s just some features; not much of a trail, it’s just labeled as one in the app.

Snowmakers did a great job laying down a solid base; even with tricky weather it’s been pleasant enough in the mornings. (Gets a little skied off by afternoon but I’ve certainly skied worse.)

If you’re nearby and already have a pass it’s fun for a few runs. (Or if you are an instructor who likes playing with drills and hanging around talking about technique/form, we’ve been doing plenty of that in casual groups.) Not worth paying for a day ticket at this point, most (non-instructor) people I’ve seen have been doing laps for an hour and then get bored and bail.

They have been making snow like mad at the summit and mid mountain (looks like Organgrinder and Jester, plus the newly re-cut Reverse Traverse— no longer an uphill slog from the top of Valley House lift, and now considered an extension of Heaven’s Gate Traverse). I think the little video they posted on Instagram today is of Murphey’s. I don’t see them opening that terrain anytime in the next few days, there’s plenty of snow up there but no way to get back to the base on skis yet.

That being said… getting some of the real stuff from the sky tonight, maybe? Hopefully? And possibly more over the next couple of days. Last year they opened snowball/spring fling first and the wet December we had made that an icy nightmare for a while, so kinda glad they are doing something different this time. Weather warming up for the day tomorrow so they’re pausing snowmaking until Thursday when things cool off.

Everything above is just what I’ve read in their app and things I’ve seen while skiing; I sadly have zero insider info. I seriously can’t wait to ski some different trails but it’s great to be back on snow.


Certified Ski Diva
Sugarbush update: whoops, I’ve been there nearly every day but didn’t remember to update anything here. Up until recently we had been having a great early season; the torrential rain and flooding in the area on Monday knocked us down quite a bit, but I can happily report there is still great skiing to be had on the snowmaking trails all over the mountain. We’re in a period of cold enough weather for mountain ops to help out the conditions quite a bit this week, and Mt Ellen opens to the public on Friday. (They’re having a “staff day” there tomorrow, ostensibly as a thank you but I think they want to make sure the trails are good and ready for guests! That’s fine, I’ll be a crash test dummy for a few hours.)

Today I skied Pushover, Easy Rider, Sleeper; moved over to Snowball/Spring Fling after that. Bluebird and cold, really nice day considering how bleak everything looked on Monday afternoon! (Yes, I skied in the rain.)

Btw— my Instagram is public if anyone wants to follow me there for daily ski updates in my stories; same user name as here. If anyone has any questions or is headed here feel free to reach out!


Angel Diva
That sounds amazing. And very similar to Stowe! Stowe is skiing great. I just updated on the Stowe / Bolton thread. I’m excited to come to Sugarbush on Saturday!

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