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Snowboard Science Fair Proj


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
Ohhhh! No I was worried about security mistakenly thinking I was waving a gun around! :p but yeah on our first try I had DD do the straight shot from the middle of the open run and she almost crashed into the netting from the speed she accumulated. Also lots of guys showing off and making deep gouges in the snow.

After that we picked a smaller roped off area with an incline - maybe 30 feet of runway max and that was much safer and a more controlled environment for her to do a quick slide down and for me to record the results. Worked well enough and didn’t feel too risky.


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
Results were pretty straightforward! But we had fun doing it and it gave us real data to base conclusions on. Also we got two fun days on snow. :smile: next time I’d like to actually be able to put skis on myself though! Hopefully this wekeend at Killington - or Stratton if they don’t have easy terrain open yet

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