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Sheeva 9 Length Advice Needed : )


Diva in Training
I am an intermediate to advanced skier (F) in need of new skis. Demoed the Sheeva 9's, 162 CM last week and loved them - I think I could go a smidge longer, but did not demo the 168's - so just a bit hesitant. Debating between 162 CM and 168 CM. I am 5'5" and weight ranges from 130 to 135 pounds. I do not do park skiing and want to ski better on powder/ looking for skis I can grow into.

I am leaning towards 168 CM - but wanted some advice before I hit the purchase button. Is longer better for what I am looking for? Thanks!


Angel Diva
I’d go with the 168, the Sheevas have a lot of rocker. When I demoed the Sheevas I was on the 168 with stats very similar to yours 5’4 and 125-130lbs.


Angel Diva
168. I’m an advanced skier, your height, but have 5-10 lbs on you…I’ve demoed the 168, and it felt pretty perfect for length.


Angel Diva
I ride the Sheevas in 162. 5’3 125 lbs. They are right for me but I would go longer for sure if I was a little taller. I really enjoy them. I previously skiied 2018 black pearls and they are totally different. To me they feel much stiffer and less forgiving but still super fun and maneuverable. I hope you love them.


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
I think either could work and would decide based on terrain you tend to prefer. For open bowls of power, longer is good. For tight trees/moguls/etc you might prefer shorter. If it tends to be icy, longer might be nice for more effective edge. Longer will feel more stable at speed but marginally less maneuverable.
I am almost 5'8" and 155ish and ski the 168.. but tend to be in trees a lot and enjoy the confidence of turning on a dime (which is a sheeva characteristic regardless of length--I think).


Angel Diva
I'm also 5'5" 130 ish and have the 168 and they are perfect at that length. You'll especially want that extra length for powder. They are my dedicated powder skis (and I ski in Utah!) and they are an absolute blast.


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
Same height and weight as you with another vote for the 168. I have yet to find a 168 Sheeva to demo, but I did demo a couple of 167-168 length skis last weekend that have about the same amount of rocker.

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