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Ravings of a PROUD mom!!!


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
Signed my son up for the local ski team this weekend. He is 7 they train from 8-12 Sat & Sun. He had a blast, inspite of mommy having a blond moment and misplacing some of his equipment on Sun so he started late.

PROUD MOM MOMENT: At the end of last season, he was just starting to attempt a few parallel turns (1st year on skis). By Sun afternoon(3rd day out), he was doing ALL parallel turns on the steaper blue runs :D , even later in the afternoon. This was a major improvement just from Sat.

The scary part is that he will be out skiing me WAY too soon. Time to pay for some lessons for me.

Nephew age 4 learned how to do the WEDGE turn & stop :smile:

ski diva

Staff member
You have every right to be proud! Sounds like he's making great progress. Better watch out -- he's just getting started! :D


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
The feeling of seeing him ski and how well he is doing was just undescribable. It is so much fun to see both my boys so excited about a sport I love and be completely into it to the point of obsession.

This weekend was really and "OH WOW" moment. "Is that really my kid skiing like that :smile:"

I would love to hear about other mom's/parent's experiences.


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
My son is a great skier. He started when he was 3 or so, and now at 17 - he is just great. I remember when he was little and skied like a 'pizza pie'. He eventually made parallel turns like your son, and started to get interested in bumps and glades. Ah, the memories. :smile: Enjoy him while you have him . . . they grow up real soon, graduate high school, and move on with thier lives.

~ Lola


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
You are making me tear up:smile:

I remember going through the levels of skiing/snowboarding with my niece and nephew. They are my peer now and I rarely get the chance to hit the slopes with them.
I echo Lola's thoughts......even if the housework goes undone, you should never miss an opportunity to hit the slopes with your child.

Lola, you are right. Ty RIPS! And he's kinda cute too. Gonna break some girls heart;)


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
I hear ty was flirting with an "older married woman" on a lift ride at Stowe. I also saw with my own eyes, the women at the ticket desk openly flirting with him. Its the blue eyes and the great sense of humor. When we took him to a party with us on Saturday, women my age were falling all over him!! It made his grandfather so proud!


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
Lilgeorg said:
I hear ty was flirting with an "older married woman" on a lift ride at Stowe. I also saw with my own eyes, the women at the ticket desk openly flirting with him. Its the blue eyes and the great sense of humor. When we took him to a party with us on Saturday, women my age were falling all over him!! It made his grandfather so proud!
Oh yea! He has the charm! Does it come from his mother or his father?

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