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Random Observations about Binding Delta/Angle


Angel Diva
Not sure about the Warden in particular.. but when I inquired about the Squire and Attacks (which I was told are very easy bindings to shim based on materials available for them) I was told you could shim to 2 or 4mm in the toe. This gets you to +1 for Squires and 0 for Attacks, which might be close enough.. but can’t get to negative. He said 6mm would be too much.
My husband would agree, you don't want to go too thick on the shim. He's done a couple shims for me. Going forward, I'm just going to get Look bindings and still have a line on some Warden 11 demos that are about +1.5.
I'm beginning to think the forward mount may be what I'm suddenly feeling on my Ripsticks. I measured the delta on my Attacks and it's not crazy. Unless I measured incorrectly it looked like +3.
My bsl this year dropped by 8mm so now my boot center is ahead of the line. I'm wondering if I'm sitting back to compensate for feeling too far forward . . .
This is not a demo binding, correct? 8mm is quite a bit. IIRC Elan's are a bit more forward of center, so you might be right. It's so frustrating, isn't it?! Have you considered a remount, or mounting a demo binding? The binding manufacturers don't seem to listen to us women with smaller feet--and there are a LOT of us in 23.5 or smaller--and stop making the lower DIN bindings with such a high delta. What's even more perplexing is the folks with bigger boots don't seem to notice a lower delta. My husband is in a 27.5 and couldn't care less what the delta is on the various skis he's on, although he has always had an infinity for Look SPX and now Strive 14s.


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
Check the video in post #41 at the top of the page. It explains how to measure them yourself. It's a good thing to know how to do. Keep in mind that any good shop can shim a binding to adjust the delta angle if you have a preference.
I wish I still had the skis, so I could measure. I have Attack 14's on a couple pair and I'm wondering if they changed the delta from the 13 to the 14. They feel different enough to cause me to wonder whether it is the binding or the skis - which are different brands.


Angel Diva
My husband would agree, you don't want to go too thick on the shim. He's done a couple shims for me. Going forward, I'm just going to get Look bindings and still have a line on some Warden 11 demos that are about +1.5.

This is not a demo binding, correct? 8mm is quite a bit. IIRC Elan's are a bit more forward of center, so you might be right. It's so frustrating, isn't it?! Have you considered a remount, or mounting a demo binding? The binding manufacturers don't seem to listen to us women with smaller feet--and there are a LOT of us in 23.5 or smaller--and stop making the lower DIN bindings with such a high delta. What's even more perplexing is the folks with bigger boots don't seem to notice a lower delta. My husband is in a 27.5 and couldn't care less what the delta is on the various skis he's on, although he has always had an infinity for Look SPX and now Strive 14s.
Could you remind me what the delta is on the Looks?


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
This is not a demo binding, correct?
Correct, not a demo binding, so only the heel could move. Yeah old boots were 282 @23.5 and new ones are 274 still at 23.5
I was thinking of putting Squire demo bindings on them---but I better hurry up and buy some if that is the case before they change the delta. My only concern would be how the hole pattern differs btw the Attacks and the Squire demo so would there be enough space btw holes etc. I have no idea
It's always amazing to me that a few mm here or there can make such a difference--or maybe I'm just going crazy. But something feels off.


Angel Diva
I'm beginning to think the forward mount may be what I'm suddenly feeling on my Ripsticks. I measured the delta on my Attacks and it's not crazy. Unless I measured incorrectly it looked like +3.
My bsl this year dropped by 8mm so now my boot center is ahead of the line. I'm wondering if I'm sitting back to compensate for feeling too far forward . . .
I feel you here. I went down a boot size last year (10mm difference), and ended up selling my beloved Santa Ana’s because I hated the new mount point shifted forward. The holes would’ve been too close for a remount, and I didn’t feel like it was worth buying demo bindings and remounting…the skis were 5 years old with A LOT of use, I doubt they would’ve lasted too much longer. Part of me regrets not trying demos on them, but overall I think I made the right choice to just sell them.


Angel Diva
Correct, not a demo binding, so only the heel could move. Yeah old boots were 282 @23.5 and new ones are 274 still at 23.5
I was thinking of putting Squire demo bindings on them---but I better hurry up and buy some if that is the case before they change the delta. My only concern would be how the hole pattern differs btw the Attacks and the Squire demo so would there be enough space btw holes etc. I have no idea
It's always amazing to me that a few mm here or there can make such a difference--or maybe I'm just going crazy. But something feels off.
I remounted with demos and did have to move the bindings about 1cm forward on my Nelas which was not bad thing, and about 5mm BACK on my Sheevas and I can’t tell. So it could be possible a slight move back which on a more forward mounted ski might not be a bad thing. Also, with a demo you can always slide the toe and heel pieces for or aft to compensate (unless you’re like me and at the smallest length possible for the binding!)


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
Thanks for reaching out to LOOK bindings. We can help you with this information, please see below.

Pivot 12
Toe Height - 16.5 mm
Heel Height - 19 mm
Weight - 2210 g pr

Pivot 14
Toe Height - 16.5 mm
Heel Height - 19 mm
Weight - 2230 g pr


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
I just ordered a pair of Squire demo bindings--will decide later if I want to replace my Attacks with these or just keep these as a binding for a future ski


Angel Diva
Thanks for reaching out to LOOK bindings. We can help you with this information, please see below.

Pivot 12
Toe Height - 16.5 mm
Heel Height - 19 mm
Weight - 2210 g pr

Pivot 14
Toe Height - 16.5 mm
Heel Height - 19 mm
Weight - 2230 g pr
I wonder about the SPX 12. Never thought to email them directly!


Angel Diva
The SPX 12 I have waiting for next year's skis measured at 2mm difference. We used digital calipers. I'll get them out again and remeasure. Might have to put demos on those skis, too! Ugh!


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
+3 isn’t too bad in my opinion. I am happiest between -1 to +2

the pic above is for 2024 bindings


Angel Diva
I had the best find today! Sunday River is doing their end of season 50% off sale at the shop.. guess who got the last demo Squire binding for $130 including tax? :becky: I just wish they’d had more than one left as I would have grabbed another one at least. But I’m happy to have this one now for the Black Pearl 94 I plan to get in the fall. Woot!

santacruz skier

Angel Diva
I had the best find today! Sunday River is doing their end of season 50% off sale at the shop.. guess who got the last demo Squire binding for $130 including tax? :becky: I just wish they’d had more than one left as I would have grabbed another one at least. But I’m happy to have this one now for the Black Pearl 94 I plan to get in the fall. Woot!
Will the BP 94 replace your Sheeva 9’s?


Angel Diva
Will the BP 94 replace your Sheeva 9’s?
I don’t know.. Honestly I mostly skied the Blaze 86 this season, I think I skied the Sheevas like 6 days out of 55 so far.. something weird like that. My current pair of Sheevas are pretty worn out at this point since I skied them so much for years before now. I have an extra pair stashed and unmounted still though. The BP 94 did feel like it could be a really close to one ski quiver for the East. Time will tell. :smile:

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