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Purple toe nail


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
Anyone know what I need to ask my boot fitter to do if my toe keeps turning purple every season?

My toe seemed ok coming out of the boot except I needed to remember to trim my nails more before every ski weekend. But the next day the entire nail bed is purple. Same thing last season.


Staff member
I suspect you're going to need a punch out. Just show him/ her the toe. Had it on both feet with my Hawks.

Chute Goddess

Diva in Training
My brother and I refer to this as "toe jam football." We both get it every season. I don't know how to prevent it but a pedicure will cover it up!


Diva in Training
This is also called skiers toe. Trimming toe nails can help but often it happens if boots are too tight or too loose. Giving your feet a rest, epsom salt soaks, and releasing the pressure are a few ways to deal with it.

My issue was boots being too big and toes getting slammed. It got bad enough to get a blood bruise underneath the big toe nails, losing part of my nail a few seasons ago (thankfully it grew back). I switched boot fitters and got new boots. It did come back slightly last weekend after my boots got punched out probably a bit too much. Struggles of wide feet with very narrow heels and ankles.

Chute Goddess

Diva in Training
Have you found anything to make it hurt less? Toe is pretty sensitive.
I would do an epsom salt foot soak, take care of your nails and then maybe put some arnica on your toe. Also maybe incorporate collagen into vitiman regime? It's good for nails! And see a boot fitter!


Angel Diva
Have you found anything to make it hurt less? Toe is pretty sensitive.
It may help to occasionally wear Toe Caps. I tend to jam my toenails by tripping on things. I've found that if I wear a toe cap during the day after bruising a nail, I am far less likely to lose the nail. I also wear them while running or skiing if the nail is already bruised.

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