Bumping this thread because, well, there's snow in the forecast!
I have the precursor to the Liberty Genesis, the Liberty Envy in a 106/165. It's getting a bit long in the tooth and am thinking about a new powder ski. Current skis are not behaving the way they used to. Not as lively and experiencing some tip dive in many snow in the trees. I would have bought a new pair, but Liberty isn't making them anymore! They tried to steer me to an evolve 98 but I'm seeking an actual powder ski, not an all-mountain ski.
My quiver (beside the Liberty) consists of a Stockli Laser AX 78/154 (the yellow model) and a Peak 88/160. I am 5'3" (Shrunk over an inch since buying the Libertys!) and weigh in at 111 lbs. Older person; decent skier. On piste, I'm very much a directional skier, but I ski a lot of trees in NM and CO and want a ski that can swivel and turn on demand.
FYI, I really hated the old Rossi Soul 7. They were squirrely and I just couldn't trust them, especially at speed. They are the only skis I ever jettisoned because I didn't like them.
This last season I demoed the Volkl Blaze 106 during a knee-deep, very heavy and wet day at Winter Park. Liked them a lot in the relatively untracked snow, which lasted quite a while because it was so heavy a lot of folks had bailed after one run. I felt like the snow Queen until the snow tracked out and actually froze a bit in places, then I felt like the Jester. Then the skis were really knocked around, and it felt almost dangerous. I know it wasn't a fair trial for the skis but hesitate to buy them unless can verify that they could handle normal tracked out snow well and could get "through" snow as well as surf it.
Because I like the Peak 88, I'd consider a Peak 104 but wonder if it is enough of a powder ski as it's billed as a western daily driver.
I enjoy demoing, so tell me what else to try and why.