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Podcast Recommendations


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
I'm listening to a podcast called "Case 63". The show is a science fiction podcast that follows the therapy sessions of Peter Roiter who claims to be a time traveler. It stars Julianne Moore. I'm on episode 4 of the first season. Spooky and compelling.


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
“Normal Gossip” is a lot of fun. Really well produced.

“Rumble Strip” is a quirky Vermont podcast; the Peabody-winning episode “Finn and the Bell” is beautiful and will break your heart.

“You’re Wrong About” analyzes cultural reactions to people in recent history, especially women. It can be uneven from episode to episode, but the ones on Monica Lewinksy, Tonya Harding, Karen Carpenter, et al. are really great


Diva in Training
I've gotten into Reasonably Fit by Jason and Lauren Pak. It's a fitness podcast that I discovered when I started rehabbing a knee injury a few months ago...their whole message is focused on sustainable fitness that works with real life. They use their own expertise and experience, and bring in other experts, so there's good variety too!


Angel Diva
I've listened to a few You're Wrong Abouts and they were good. For example the Martha Stewart episode. What are some other really good ones?

I really like Sarah Marshall's other podcast--You are Good--which is a very funny dissection of a different movie each time. The Bad News Bears episode had me in stitches, and it's inspired me to rewatch movies I hadn't thought about in ages, like Mystic Pizza. I also like hearing their Millennial take on shows that were a very big deal to me as a Gen X, like Sex and the City.

I love Irish writer Caroline O'Donoghue's Sentimental Garbage (about movies/books/tv that many dismiss as "chick lit"/romcoms/etc).

Ologies, the Happiness Lab (Yale's Dr Laurie Santos talks about research into happiness), Planet Money...

Also, If Books Could Kill
I've never heard of that--it looks good!


Angel Diva
I've been sucked way into Tides of History. I've been listening from the dawn of Humans based on DNA onward. He explores many early cultures, especially ones we aren't as familiar with (Neolithic China anyone?) and deep dives into the ones we are familiar with.


Certified Ski Diva
If you're a reader, you might enjoy Beach, Books and Beyond. It's hosted by Elin Hilderbrand and her "work husband," Tim Ehrenberg of Nantucket Books. And I LOVE MoBituaries!


Certified Ski Diva
If you're a reader, you might enjoy Beach, Books and Beyond. It's hosted by Elin Hilderbrand and her "work husband," Tim Ehrenberg of Nantucket Books. And I LOVE MoBituaries!
I just finished The Hotel Nantucket, which was fun to read after going there a couple times in the last year.


Certified Ski Diva
If Books Could Kill

The premise is to airport best selling non fiction books and to dissects the issues and false claims that these often purport. Well done and funny


Angel Diva
I really like Jamie Loftus’s podcasts and shows. She co-hosts the Bechdel Cast, which is a radical feminist podcast, but she also hosts independent podcasts that are full of empathy and humor. She currently has a weekly podcast called 16th Minute that describes what happens to internet phenomena after they are famous.

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