Ski Diva Extraordinaire
Can anyone give me hope for getting back to gymnastics and/or skiing with patellofemoral pain? I could maybe ski, but I'd pay for it, and I def cannot tumble (limited to bars w/o dismounts) right now. I've had creaky/sore knees for years on stairs/squatting that I assumed was wear and tear (it is). Well it reached a bad point in the last week and now I'm basically out of commission. Went to see an ortho and start PT this coming week. I've got cartilage wear in both knees from years of abuse from both skiing/gymnastics. Hope is PT can help the pain enough to get me functional again by strengthening muscles to help stabilize the joint, but it's not going to stop the wear/progression. Very frustrating/demoralizing at only 45. Ordered knee braces to use for skiing on the advice of my doc. She hasn't tossed around the arthritis word yet, but not sure it really matters. She does think I'm at an early stage. A positive is PT is gonna work on my slightly angry shoulder/hip on top of my knees, since she wrote in treatment for those as well.