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patella sleeve avulsion experience


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
Not for my but my soon to be 12 year old had an patella sleeve avulsion when flying over the handlebars of his bike yesterday. He's getting an MRI today to understand the severity. At this point he can't put weight on his leg or bend the knee. I am absolutely crushed for him. It is his birthday next week and he planned his own birthday party ride out where a group of kids get together to ride bikes. That is clearly canceled. I planned a birthday trip for him to go to Utah and go snowboarding over winter break, I assume that is out as well.

He's seeing a pediatric orthopedic specialist tomorrow once he has the MRI in hand. Sigh. Best case, no surgery and it heals on his own, worst case is?! not sure...

Anyone have experience with this? I haven't heard of it before. I assume he is going to be immobile for all of winter season?


Angel Diva
I'm not familiar with it but I would assume there will be a 2 month at minimum recovery period. The good news is that kids heal very quickly! You'll have to let us know what the MRI reveals.


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
Well. Best news ever. Seriously bruised and sore knee. A tiny crack in the patella that will self heal but no ligament tears and the patella stayed it’s its sleeve. So best possible news. He will even be able to ski in 2 weeks if his knee feels better. His birthday ride is delayed but I’m relieved he doesn’t need surgery and months of healing since the kid is in constant motion. Now all I need is snow to arrive.

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