So its been a a super sad week here in Canterbury with the news that a much loved guide sadly lost his life in an avalanche on Tuesday and with this being such a small community it has hit people really hard so when Temple Basin announced a "Pop Up" weekend (they closed in early September due to lack of snow) to take advantage of the new snow that has fallen in the last few weeks it was a "heck yeah" from us and many others who needed a bit of cheering up.
TB is a club field (you dont need to be a member to ski at the Clubbies though) which sits much further West than the other local ski areas and is therefore a bit more vulnerable to low snow years but when it does snow boy does it snow!
The 2.5km slog uphill tends to filter out a few and then the rope tows usually dissuade the rest so youre left with a hardy few who know how to enjoy the spectacular environment.
Its also where I learnt to ski waaaay back and my family has a long history with the Club its also where I met DH and many a lifelong friend so it holds a special place in my heart.
There's some pretty serious terrain with the exception of the runs directly off the tows which means that it attracts some pretty amazing skiers and has hosted many a world class Big Mtn/Freeride athlete in its time.
Because of my back issues rope tows are now out for me so I was just up there for the exercise and the social side !! DH and many others had a blast though, here's some pics for your viewing pleasure xx
DH heading off up the track
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The beauty that is Temple Basin
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Looking across the valley at Mt Rolleston
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You can just make out Temple Tow that takes you to a walking track round to Downhill Tow.
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Downhill Basin in all her Spring corny glory.
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