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New narrow boot: How to put on?!


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
Repeating what I probably posted upthread: Use a hairdryer to warm the plastic flaps. They get soft and bendy when warm. I keep my hairdryer in my bootbag, and boot up near a wall outlet. I can't get my boots on otherwise. Feet simply will NOT go in. I've done this for years. Back when I was last teaching I was one of three instructors in the locker room using a hairdryer to get boots on and off.


Diva in Training
I had trouble getting my new boots on and the boot fitter recommended a “boot horn” — like a shoehorn for skiboots — it’s about $10 on Amazon. I have not had occasion to try it yet but it looks promising.
I've now used it a few times and it helps. Spraying silicon instead the boot also seems to help.

Maine Divaaaaa

Diva in Training
I'm a new skier and got a pair of Atomic Hawx Ultra in size 24.5 (I usually wear 7.5-8 in street shoes). While my feet feel snug without pain, I have a super difficult time putting them on! I literally need a second person to pry open the boot so I can twist my foot in.

Besides the Ski Boot Horn I read on other threads, what other advice is there to get these stiff and narrow boots on (be myself!)?
Ok so I have plug boots which are a little different so NO GUARENTEES that this will work but this I what I do. I take the liners out, lace those up, and literally rip the shell open and my foor slides right in! I'd say worth a shot


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
^^Brilliant! But it here:

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