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My journey back to health


Staff member
I've mentioned a few times that there are some issues with my health. Going back to last summer, I was having issues with a swollen ankle and just feeling wore out. I was at the point that the coach of the dragon boat crew stated that I was not strong enough to make the next year crew. That made me heart broken and then determined to prove him wrong. Well he was right. I just couldn't do the stuff I'd done before. My times for speed walk, (I don't run) were off etc. A visit to the doctor about the swollen ankle resulted in a new prescription for allergies. He said my breathing issues were allergies and blame climate change.

Fast forward to this summer. I was at the doctor's for a prescription renewal and some tests. When he listened to my heart, he stopped, looked at his notes and told me I would be off for ECG. As soon as he was back from holidays I got called to see him. He went through what they found and put me on a blood thinner and a cholesterol pill. And sent me off to see a cardiologist.

The cardiologist is a lovely lady. She showed me the ECG and how my heart wasn't working right. Having taken Biology at U, I find this stuff ever so interesting.

But....so I will be getting a new heart valve sometime soon. First step is tomorrow with an Angiogram to see how things are.

As we are skiers, you can see that my winter is going to be a lot different that usual. I'm hoping that the surgery can be done soon. It will take me some time to get back on my feet, but I'm hoping that I will get some skiing in. But without my health, I can't ski, so I'm going for the operation.


Angel Diva
Jilly, this is not fun news! Which valve? I hope the angiogram turns up something different. How are you feeling?

Amie H

Ski Diva Extraordinaire
My dad had a heart valve replacement a few years ago and did great, and he's much older than you.Sounds like you have a great medical team looking out for you.

My dad has been and still is very active. But once he had the heart fixed and it was working properly, he found it much more difficult to keep weight off because his body was working more efficiently and didn't need to use so many calories.

Best of luck with your testing. I will keep you in my prayers.


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
My husband had mitral valve repair some years ago. He is doing very well and has had no additional heart issues. Best of luck to you, Jilly.


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
Oh no @Jilly this is not what I wanted to read. I hope you're going to be ok and sending big hugs from NZ xx

ski diva

Staff member
How lucky that it was finally caught! And how scary for you, too!

My daughter has had open heart twice and is doing very well. She hasn't had a valve replacement yet, though that's probably coming. I know they can do that now through the veins (can't remember what that's called) which is much less intrusive. So hopefully, that's the procedure you'll get. In the meantime, take care of yourself. Believe it or not, there are things that are more important than skiing.


Angel Diva
Sorry hear about your heart issues. My brother had a valve replacement a couple yrs ago and is doing very well w/ no further issues. My best friend also had a valve replacement many yrs ago and is doing well also. He continued to play basketball, softball and golf. He had to give up basketball and softball for his knees though.

I have been on blood thinners 20+ yrs and it hasn't slowed me down.


Staff member
Made it through the Angiogram. Very sore wrist last night, but much better this morning. I can type. Results were as we suspected. So I'm in for a valve replacement. And they are going to throw in a single by pass as one artery is narrow. So while they're in there, they'll get that done.

I don't have a date yet. At this point, sooner the better. I've been told to not shovel snow etc. When I mentioned skiing.....yeah NO.

I might not need my tickets for the World Cup in December....


Angel Diva
Made it through the Angiogram. Very sore wrist last night, but much better this morning. I can type. Results were as we suspected. So I'm in for a valve replacement. And they are going to throw in a single by pass as one artery is narrow. So while they're in there, they'll get that done.

I don't have a date yet. At this point, sooner the better. I've been told to not shovel snow etc. When I mentioned skiing.....yeah NO.

I might not need my tickets for the World Cup in December....
Hope your wait isn’t too long.


Angel Diva
I hope it all goes ok. I’m thinking of you! My mom had a valve replacement over 20 years ago and still travels internationally and does tai chi and enjoys her activities. The technology has come a long way in the last 20 years.

ski diva

Staff member
Made it through the Angiogram. Very sore wrist last night, but much better this morning. I can type. Results were as we suspected. So I'm in for a valve replacement. And they are going to throw in a single by pass as one artery is narrow. So while they're in there, they'll get that done.

I don't have a date yet. At this point, sooner the better. I've been told to not shovel snow etc. When I mentioned skiing.....yeah NO.

I might not need my tickets for the World Cup in December....

Sorry to hear this, Jilly, but as I said before, it is so lucky that they detected this before something truly awful happened. I know you'll get through this with flying colors. Keep us posted.


Angel Diva
Glad you have a diagnosis and are getting scheduled for surgery, much better to have a path forward. You got this!


Staff member
Wrist looks like crap. They use a bracelet with a air filled chamber as a pressure bandage on the puncture for the wire. If you don't bleed as they loosen off the pressure you get to eventually go home.


Angel Diva
Well, it’s a big internal bruise, and I wonder if they give some heparin or other anticoagulant during the procedure, or if you are on one. I suppose it’s ugly, but it typically is if no consequence. The main surgery will subject you to more bruising, but the goal is to improve your cardiac function and your longevity. Worth a bit of bruising I think! I hope I don’t sound dismissive. Just trying to help you keep your eyes on the prize!


Staff member
No you don't sound dismissive at all. The nurse took the pressure cuff off and really held onto the puncture site. I'm on a blood pressure pill, but it doesn't dilute the blood, but softens the walls of the vessels. So I have been bruising easy.

I expect the next operation to have a lot more!


Angel Diva
How lucky that it was finally caught! And how scary for you, too!
I totally agree with this comment! It would have been really bad had you experienced cardiac insufficiency at high altitude while skiing -- Yikes!

Sending best wishes from Tennessee, and hope to hear you're back on the slopes before too long!

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