Greetings! My “first” pair of (used) skis had the bindings crack yesterday, so I’m officially in the market for my next pair earlier then expected (bindings are plate/track system and not worth replacing.) I ski only in the Midwest on groomers. I would consider myself advanced beginner or early intermediate, but I don’t like going fast (and I’m often skiing with kids). My last pair was a pair of 2014 Elan Snow QTs. At 158, they always felt a little long. I’m 5’6” - would it set my future progress back to go shorter? I’m having difficulty knowing if I should stick with true “beginner” models like I had (Head Easy Joy, Nordica Wild Belle 74, etc.) or if I’m ready for skis marketed to intermediate. Thanks for the help and would love reqs on both models to look at and the length question.