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Matching colors - jackets and pants

Susan L

Ski Diva Extraordinaire
Hmm. Late season 2023 I bought a pair of 21/22 minimally used Laser SCs, 149, to push me toward carving. Prior 10 years I’d been in 154-159 and I was afraid that that length would be “punishing”. It was the narrowest ski I’d been on in decades. I’d heard that ski would be great bumps and carving, and it was fav of Alain’s. I’m 5’5” 140. They hold me in all conditions and are great in bumps, spring soft conditions, but I think I need the extra length to feel stable as I’m still not hanging over on edge. Gotta drill more. I’ve since added a 171/96 to my quiver and like that length for chasing around. I’m gonna push myself a few more times toward carving on the 149s then maybe sell them and move to a slightly longer, narrower ski for carving practice. Let us know how you like on your SCs. They look beautiful and for sure the SC is a versatile ski.
I bought the SC to replace my Laser AX, which has been my carving skis since 2019 and are my favorite. They are 154/78, no issues with stability (I am 5’3” 140). I was looking at the Montero AW (color is so pretty) and AS (color even prettier but shortest is a 160) but Alain didn’t think those would fit my skiing. I ski with Alain quite a bit and he knows my carving well, so I trusted his recommendation and ordered these without demo-ing. I wasn’t loving the white/black letters of the SC so I got the Orea instead. I was told they look better in person because the top 1/3 actually shimmers! Come to think of it, I didn’t demo the AX nor my Nela 88 either but he knew what would fit me, and he was right every time! My husband also bought his Montero AX without demo-ing and he is 5’10” 190, skiing the AX in 168. No issues with stability either.
Have you looked at Race week at Taos? It is coming up in 2 weeks. I took it a few years ago when I thought I was carving (I found out I was just edging) and it has completely transformed my skills. I have since been taking privates with Alain just to work on carving. I am eager and excited to get on the SCs this weekend to see how they compare to the AX:yahoo:
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Angel Diva
Have you looked at Race week at Taos? It is coming up in 2 weeks. I took it a few years ago when I thought I was carving (I found out I was just edging) and it has completely transformed my skills. I have since been taking privates with Alain just to work on carving. I am eager and excited to get on the SCs this weekend to see how they compare to the AX:yahoo:
I'm doing a Skiweek as part of SkiTalk minigathering early Feb so it's not in the cards for this year.
I live on East Coast.
Will you be skiing that week? Perhaps we can take a few afternoon runs? I met you a couple years ago at Le Ski Mastery when I was with my friend Margaret who lives in ABQ. She was buying skis.
I've heard good things about Race Week, from Sandy NYC, and given it passing thought . . . did you do it with her? But given that I'm 65 and never intend to actually race, I wonder if I'd "fit in."
I too have Nela 88s, mine are 160, bought used from @VickiK . I used them last year for my ski week and intend to again this year. Was told by instructor "that's a good ski for you." They are light which is good esp if there is opportunity to hike. I'm conflicted because I like bumps, but I know that my carving is deficient and I need to work on that to improve and do better on steeps and ice (and in bumps and everywhere). A race week would be good for me, but I might feel a bit silly there. Were there any "oldsters" there your week?

Susan L

Ski Diva Extraordinaire
I'm doing a Skiweek as part of SkiTalk minigathering early Feb so it's not in the cards for this year.
I live on East Coast.
Will you be skiing that week? Perhaps we can take a few afternoon runs? I met you a couple years ago at Le Ski Mastery when I was with my friend Margaret who lives in ABQ. She was buying skis.
I've heard good things about Race Week, from Sandy NYC, and given it passing thought . . . did you do it with her? But given that I'm 65 and never intend to actually race, I wonder if I'd "fit in."
I too have Nela 88s, mine are 160, bought used from @VickiK . I used them last year for my ski week and intend to again this year. Was told by instructor "that's a good ski for you." They are light which is good esp if there is opportunity to hike. I'm conflicted because I like bumps, but I know that my carving is deficient and I need to work on that to improve and do better on steeps and ice (and in bumps and everywhere). A race week would be good for me, but I might feel a bit silly there. Were there any "oldsters" there your week?
I did Race Week in 2019 and I don’t think I was on Diva back then. You don’t have to race gates if you don’t want to. They separate participants into different groups based on skill level and teach you basics on parallel/edging/carving/GS/SL/race/etc. Drills to get you out of the backseat and upper/lower body seperation. My group was the edging transitioning to carving and the oldest was 74, youngest was me in my 40s. Nobody was looking to be a racer but just to learn to carve. You will fit in just fine and will learn so much! @cosmicplanks did it recently and loved it, perhaps she can share her experience too.


Angel Diva
@Susan L I did it in 2023, I think. Same as you, big jump in skills happened that year and I’m pretty sure it was a consequence of what I learned at Race Week. I was also surprised at how much of that I took into the steeps and bumps. @DebbieSue several people in that ski week were solely interested in improving their skiing. I think you would fit right in.


Angel Diva
Love them. Mix and match with other things in your closet. It’s s also a good excuse to get a new jacket with a fun print that goes with the pants.

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