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Matching colors - jackets and pants


Angel Diva
I have a salmon colored jacket and pants I got last season and have been enjoying some days of all the same color. Seems to be in currently as I see people doing it a lot lately.


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
Not only do I like orange, but I've always liked Oilily clothing colour combinations. In other words orange with pink with red with.... things that are said to clash. Hmmmph. Colour is good. Have fun with it.

Now I'm curious, what skis are you picking up?

Susan L

Ski Diva Extraordinaire
Not only do I like orange, but I've always liked Oilily clothing colour combinations. In other words orange with pink with red with.... things that are said to clash. Hmmmph. Colour is good. Have fun with it.

Now I'm curious, what skis are you picking up?
I just don’t want to look like a pumpkin:rotf:

Here are my new skis - have not seen it in person yet! Laser SC


Angel Diva
It doesn’t match the new skis I am picking up this weekend:rotf:
Well, I think that means that you might need to add another pair for the full monochromatic look?

Editing to add, I THEN saw your ski pic and GORGEOUS!!! You’ll look fantastic!


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
Simple to solve - copper jacket, black pants, skis.

FWIW, single-tone copper and the black skis will work together as well.


Angel Diva
The skis are 156.
Hmm. Late season 2023 I bought a pair of 21/22 minimally used Laser SCs, 149, to push me toward carving. Prior 10 years I’d been in 154-159 and I was afraid that that length would be “punishing”. It was the narrowest ski I’d been on in decades. I’d heard that ski would be great bumps and carving, and it was fav of Alain’s. I’m 5’5” 140. They hold me in all conditions and are great in bumps, spring soft conditions, but I think I need the extra length to feel stable as I’m still not hanging over on edge. Gotta drill more. I’ve since added a 171/96 to my quiver and like that length for chasing around. I’m gonna push myself a few more times toward carving on the 149s then maybe sell them and move to a slightly longer, narrower ski for carving practice. Let us know how you like on your SCs. They look beautiful and for sure the SC is a versatile ski.

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