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Level 2 Exam Skis


Diva in Training
Hi Ladies,
An examiner told me to get Atomic Q8 skis for my exam. They’re listed for beginner-intermediate…I already ordered them but will I be able to use at pretty high speeds? The turn radius for 161 is 14 which is high for me. Thoughts?


Staff member
Cloud Q8? But how light are you? That may be the reason for this ski reco.

My Hero's are 12 but they are narrower under foot too. So tighter radius. The Q8 is 76 underfoot, so a little larger radius.


Diva in Training
Cloud Q8? But how light are you? That may be the reason for this ski reco.

My Hero's are 12 but they are narrower under foot too. So tighter radius. The Q8 is 76 underfoot, so a little larger radius.
I’m 5’5, 130 lbs. aggressive skier, ex-racer. He skied with me. I’m guessing because it will slow me down, can handle more of the mountain than a narrower waist and I don’t need much edge angle for these tasks…?


Diva in Training
No input from me, but I am curious what your daily driver is and where you ski.
Nova 10, Black Pearl 88, Fischer C4. Hidden Valley, MO. Mostly manmade, hard pack, frozen, etc. But I’ve been skiing a lot more often in CO. Looking for a stronger ski for out there than the Q8…Rossi Arcade 84, Q11,Q12, Rossi Nova 14… suggestions are most welcome!


Angel Diva
Hi Ladies,
An examiner told me to get Atomic Q8 skis for my exam. They’re listed for beginner-intermediate…I already ordered them but will I be able to use at pretty high speeds? The turn radius for 161 is 14 which is high for me. Thoughts?
Nova 10, Black Pearl 88, Fischer C4. Hidden Valley, MO. Mostly manmade, hard pack, frozen, etc. But I’ve been skiing a lot more often in CO. Looking for a stronger ski for out there than the Q8…Rossi Arcade 84, Q11,Q12, Rossi Nova 14… suggestions are most welcome!
Welcome! Where will you be taking the PSIA exam? What level?

Most of the instructors at my home hill (northern VA) have different skis for teaching than they use for free skiing. The instructors I know better are Level 2 or 3 and have been teaching for 20+ years.


Staff member

Nova 10, Black Pearl 88, Fischer C4. Hidden Valley, MO. Mostly manmade, hard pack, frozen, etc. But I’ve been skiing a lot more often in CO. Looking for a stronger ski for out there than the Q8…Rossi Arcade 84, Q11,Q12, Rossi Nova 14… suggestions are most welcome!

How old are your Nova 10's. I assume the Fischers were your race skis.


Angel Diva

Reason for my question is that I don't know how PSIA handles exams in the midwest where there are no big mountains anywhere within a half-day drive for most instructors. Not even sure which section of PSIA handles that region.

In northern VA, Massanutten instructors used to be able to do the PSIA Level 1 exam there. But for Level 2 and Level 3 instructors had travel out-of-state. I think even Level 1 hasn't been available at Massanutten for a while, even before the pandemic.


Diva in Training

Reason for my question is that I don't know how PSIA handles exams in the midwest where there are no big mountains anywhere within a half-day drive for most instructors. Not even sure which section of PSIA handles that region.

In northern VA, Massanutten instructors used to be able to do the PSIA Level 1 exam there. But for Level 2 and Level 3 instructors had travel out-of-state. I think even Level 1 hasn't been available at Massanutten for a while, even before the pandemic.
We are Central Division. We have cert exams every year at our resort for Level 1 and every 2 yrs for Level 2. It might not be a big mountain but we have more certified instructors than most any Vail resort % -wise. Anyway, I own different teaching skis, boots and poles than my free ski. I might take it out West. Not sure, yet. It’s alot.


Staff member
If we can do CSIA L2 in Ontario, I'm sure that PSIA 2 can be done in the midwest. They probably have higher hills than we do.

I'm wondering what the differences are between your Nova 10 and this Atomic. I wouldn't go over 80 for an exam anywhere. So the BP's would be out. I assume the Fischer were your race skis.


Diva in Training
Hi! Yes, my Fischer are my fun slalom skis and my Nova 10 ( 2021) were my daily ( old BP for teach). I got the new BP last season for our west.

Rainbow Jenny

Ski Diva Extraordinaire
I think anything with <80 mm underfoot works well for PSIA L2 ski exam out west. Need to demonstrate getting from edge to edge.

I took mine with Blizzard Phoenix R14 Pro (70mm) 2 1/2 years ago, did purchase them with the exam in mind. Another women colleague took her L3 in similar Thunderbird skis.


Diva in Training
I think anything with <80 mm underfoot works well for PSIA L2 ski exam out west. Need to demonstrate getting from edge to edge.

I took mine with Blizzard Phoenix R14 Pro (70mm) 2 1/2 years ago, did purchase them with the exam in mind. Another women colleague took her L3 in similar Thunderbird skis.
Where did you take it?


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
If I can manage to get my anxiety and fear under control, I would like to try again for my Level 2. I did get a new pair of skis... Elan Wildcat Ti 82 underfoot. I did go with the 152 length. I don't think I will go too much longer as I just don't think I can manage it.
It is very weird to think that I have titanium running the length of my lower leg. I will have to see how I can manage the skill drill needed for the Level 2 as I think some of my movement pattern changes are permanent.

Someone previously mentioned Massanutten. I saw a Level 2 exam being offered this year, either end of January or early Feb.

Good Luck to all going for their exam certs this year!

Rainbow Jenny

Ski Diva Extraordinaire
Do you know anyone who’s skied on Nova 14 or Atomic Cloud C9 Revo L?
I took my exam in Tahoe.

There may be regional preferences for skis, and I’m not paying the closest attention to what everyone else is on. I really wouldn’t worry about the skis, just focus on your drills.

I understand regions are trying to standardize the exams, so I browse various regional websites for good teaching and demos.


Angel Diva
My only thoughts are that if the examiner suggested that width underfoot and he or she will be your level 2 examiner then it might be worth the investment. Otherwise, go with your own style and preference.

My experience through all my various certifications is that most of the examiners I've met and worked with have expected us to have contemporary equipment that looks is well maintained and that is appropriate for the conditions. I have taken psia exams on skis that were 88 underfoot and that were 94 underfoot and the last one I think was possibly only like 82. Then again one of those days we had 12 inches of fresh snow so there was no way for them to see my feet underneath the snow.

I wish you could go back and ask why this particular ski was suggested for you. Sometimes there is a good reason, other times there is a relationship ship between the trainer and the manufacturer. I won't speculate as it seems that you are not too clear either.

Either way, wishing you a ton of fun working on that level 2. The process truly is the end game.

Rainbow Jenny

Ski Diva Extraordinaire
I should qualify what I wrote with how my locker mate, also a trainer/examiner, had recommended those skis. And the majority of the candidates take their exams mid April around northern Tahoe.

Certainly under more mid-winter conditions, the choice of skis would differ.

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