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June mountain or Ski Suggestions?


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
I am supposed to take my kid to Utah for his birthday trip next week but there is no snow.

I am trying to pivot to something fun that would work and not be a big intimidating mountain.

At this point, I am thinking of finding a place in driving distance, I live in Los Angeles.

Does anyone know if June Mountain is worth it? What are conditions like right now? I don't want a big crowded place like mammoth, I am kind of intimidated by the size since I am one adult with three people to manage. I also need to be able to find somewhat affordable housing so probably staying away from the big places is better. I need something I can reasonably drive that isn't too scary and I won't feel like I'll be driving off a mountain.

I am going to be going one adult with three kids - 17, 15 and 11 (might leave one at home with the grandparents if she isn't up for it). The 12 year old (snowboader) and 15 year old (first time skier) and 17 year old will want to snowboard on her own or with her BF if he drives up to join us.

Does anyone have any suggestions where to go skiing? I was planning to go on the 1st or 2nd until the 5th or 6th depending on driving time.


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
My family loved June mountain when we went a few years ago. Not sure of the current conditions but if they are decent it is a lovely old school feeling place to ski.


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
Hi @newbieM I have not been to June yet this year, but Mammoth is riding great! We are getting more snow tomorrow however this one is coming in a little wet to start. June is a fantastic family mountain, as @SarahXC said its old school, no high speed 6 seaters. June is great for zoomed groomers and if it's not too low tide fun in-between the trees. June is a 'mid mountain' resort meaning you need to take an older 2 seater up the mountain to get to the amenities. You will also need to take it down, unless there is enough snow to ski the cat track or the face to ski. I did not see that the cat track was open so you will most likely need to down load unless they get dumped on. It is an amazing view of all all the lakes including mono lake, it's a 2 seater lift with a pole in the middle and bars you can lower on your lap. Just mentioning this so that you understand how you get to the ski area and back down. You're a 5 hour drive from LA, bring your chains. There is no ski in out lodging so you will be driving to the mountain from your accommodations. I sorry I don't have any intel on where to stay.

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