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I'm a Pants Slut!


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
It isn't just the unknown brands, Burton has a bunch like that this year too, marketed as unisex fit. The Futuretrust, Mine77 and Daybeacon are all super baggy. And although not baggy, the unisex Melter and the women's Analog Hedstall have the gathered ankle reminiscent of the 90's pants.


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
It might NOT be the most flattering style for my body type, but I find the current wide leg trend very comfortable in street and lounge clothes, so why not ski pants I guess.


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
It might be comfy, but I'm sitting here trying to imagine the sound all the fabric would make walking and flapping around while skiing.


Angel Diva
That's only got to be a good thing if it's a snowboarder...right?
The style seems to be most popular with people who spend a lot of time in parks. Skiers, snowboarders, it doesn't matter what the equipment is. I often see (and hear) the baggy pants people doing tricks on crowded trails.

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