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I can't see the Post Tool Box anymore


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
I realized today, that I don't have the tool box in the comment sections anymore. Is there something new that I need to do to see it? I really like the emoticons!

ski diva

Staff member
Are you sure about that? Is anyone else having this problem? I see the tools in a strip along the top of the reply box, once I click in it.


Staff member
Mine are there. Your post area didn't get switched to BB? If you see rich text editor, click on it.


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
OK. I figured it out. I must have messed around in my profile section awhile back and turned it off. It's back.


Staff member
BB code editor. If it gets changed to that, then the words, rich text editor, is all you see under the box.

But you got it back, so that's all the matters.

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