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Huge fire threatening Mount Rose Ski Area!

ski diva

Staff member
Well, this is distressing. A wildfire in Washoe County, Nevada, is coming uncomfortably close to Mount Rose ski area. It's already scorched 6,500 acres and continues to burn without any containment. Last night the summit webcam showed flames near the Winters Creek base with the fire growing more intense to the south, which suggests that it's in the vicinity of the Chutes area and the Zephyr Express. Satellite detection also suggests that it's impacting an area between the Lake View and Galena lifts as well as the terrain off the Wizard lifts. I'm not all that familiar with Mount Rose since I've skied there only once, but perhaps Divas who are more knowledgable can put this in perspective for us.

Anyone have any more info?

santacruz skier

Angel Diva
No more info than what you shared. The Winters Creek base is the Slide side. Hope the firefighters can get it under control. We don't want another Sierra at Tahoe situation.
paging @SnowHot , @mustski


Angel Diva
It is right at Mt. Rose and Sky Tavern ski areas. So far, they are managing to keep it out of the resorts, but with 80 mph ridge winds predicted for today, the fire will be more difficult to manage. I have been following all the fires on the watch duty app. We are in Reno right now. Our house in Big Bear is in a stage 2 evac zone … ie: get ready to go. We were already here so we just stayed put.



Angel Diva
A guy who normally writes about Alpine Meadows did a report about the Davis Fire and Mt. Rose.

September 12, 2024


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
Sorry for the radio silence. I've been traveling for work with the hall of fame this past three weeks and out of town during this whole thing.
We did let a friend stay at our house during the evacuation orders at his house.

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