• Women skiers, this is the place for you -- an online community without the male-orientation you'll find in conventional ski magazines and internet ski forums. At TheSkiDiva.com, you can connect with other women to talk about skiing in a way that you can relate to, about things that you find of interest. Be sure to join our community to participate (women only, please!). Registration is fast and simple. Just be sure to add [email protected] to your address book so your registration activation emails won't be routed as spam. And please give careful consideration to your user name -- it will not be changed once your registration is confirmed.

How'd you find TheSkiDiva.com?


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
Yup, same as the others. Was searching for something and came across this. And then decided to join. And now am researching more and more things to buy. :smile:


Certified Ski Diva
I don't remember what exactly I was googling, but it came up as a result so often that I finally joined!


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
Reading through this whole thread. I'm CookieDecali on Epic.


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
A male friend follows Ski Diva on Twitter (I'm guessing his wife does too), I checked it out, and here I am.

Liverpool Lil

Certified Ski Diva
Found this site when I was googling skiing with osteoporosis. I refuse to give up skiing and loved to hear supportive comments from ski divas, had one of my best ever ski trips this year, France (always wonderful), lots of off piste and huge fun!


Angel Diva
This site comes up so much on google because if you use the words ski and women together, it's the only site with serious information.


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
My other half came across it while ski googling one day and told me about the site. Glad he found it!

Joyce DeLine

Diva in Training
Just wondering how everyone came to find this site. Was it through another site like EpicSki or the Ski Diva blog? Did you happen upon it while searching for something else? Or did a friend pass it on?

Post it here; I'd love to know.



I found skidiva.com while searching out information on new skis. Im not sure how I got there exactly but found some interesting posts from women skiers who had skied the Blizzaed Dakotas I was interested in. I would like to get where I can ask several questions to the woman who have skied them as I have not.


Angel Diva
I found this forum when I was researching skies. The input helped quite a bit in reaching my decision. Plus I love all the ski discussion, especially now when my season is over :frown:


Certified Ski Diva
Your Twitter account was suggested to me. Through that I checked out your blog, then found the forums!

santacruz skier

Angel Diva
Found this site when I was googling skiing with osteoporosis. I refuse to give up skiing and loved to hear supportive comments from ski divas, had one of my best ever ski trips this year, France (always wonderful), lots of off piste and huge fun!
I'm with you. One doctor said I shouldn't ski, the other doctor said I should keep skiing. I'm skiing! Taking Fosamax (would rather not) and bone density is now much better...


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
I found skidiva while doing research. Lots of threads from this forum came up in Google queries.

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