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How many days have you skied so far?

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Angel Diva
How is the condition there?
They are blowing a lot of snow, so those trails are especially fun right now. I like to ski snowmaking whales and bumps, so enjoying that. Groomers are scrapey due to low open terrain and crowds skiing them. We have a nice long snap of cold now, so they will be blowing snow to expand as much as possible as fast as they can. We are hopefully expecting a storm this coming Friday/Saturday.. we will see if it pans out. :goodluck:
Here are some pics of ongoing snowmaking today. Manmade powder day lol.



Ski Diva Extraordinaire
They are blowing a lot of snow, so those trails are especially fun right now. I like to ski snowmaking whales and bumps, so enjoying that. Groomers are scrapey due to low open terrain and crowds skiing them. We have a nice long snap of cold now, so they will be blowing snow to expand as much as possible as fast as they can. We are hopefully expecting a storm this coming Friday/Saturday.. we will see if it pans out. :goodluck:
Here are some pics of ongoing snowmaking today. Manmade powder day lol.

View attachment 19747View attachment 19748
We are expecting stormy day for three days or so. Hopefully, it will get to your area.
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