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Help!! Divas who have had bunionectomies


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
My lovely bunion issue, plus an extreme Morton's toe aka hammertoe. I'll try the tape, gel spreader is great between first and second toe---but I fear all of these are band-aids to the real issue, and is waiting best or diving in and fixing? I hate this!

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I think the answer to that question is such a personal one depending on what is important to you and also how your feet are going with non operative measures. It sounds like you are at the stage where surgery fits with your goals.

My aunt was unable to play a full round of golf, walk, or ski a full day without significant pain when she had hers done. She specifically booked surgery for the end of ski season - October - which is when the Southern hemisphere has wound down. I believe she had both feet done separately.

If skiing is the most important thing and missing a season is a horrific idea, then I would plan around that. If it's interfering significantly with everything else, then everything else may be more important.

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