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Head Total Joy vs Volkl Secret


Diva in Training
Hi ladies! I am contemplating a pair of Head Total Joys 158 or a pair of Volkl Secret’s 161. Demo’d both pairs and had fun with both. Currently, I have Blizzard Black Pearls 153.
Would love any input on either of these if anyone has some to share!! Thanks


Diva in Training
I have a pair of Head Total Joy 158, they are a bit short for me, but I absolutely adore them!!! They grip, they carve, and they cruise through snow drifts. They are my worry, free ski and so much fun!!!

I am looking into buying a newer pair in 163, my correct size, darn are they hard to find. I am a solid intermediate skier. I previously had Volkl Flair 75, also 158, far too short for me and not stable enough for my size. I liked the Volkl feel, I also liked their tennis racquets, but have been won over by the Head Joy series.


Diva in Training
I have a pair of Head Total Joy 158, they are a bit short for me, but I absolutely adore them!!! They grip, they carve, and they cruise through snow drifts. They are my worry, free ski and so much fun!!!

I am looking into buying a newer pair in 163, my correct size, darn are they hard to find. I am a solid intermediate skier. I previously had Volkl Flair 75, also 158, far too short for me and not stable enough for my size. I liked the Volkl feel, I also liked their tennis racquets, but have been won over by the Head Joy series.
How tall are you? I’m 5’5”
I took the Total Joys out in 163 but I felt like I didn’t have control of the back of the ski. I only did one run…maybe I should’ve tried them longer. I could easily manage the Volkl Secret 161s. I’m a solid intermediate skier as well.


Diva in Training
How tall are you? I’m 5’5”
I took the Total Joys out in 163 but I felt like I didn’t have control of the back of the ski. I only did one run…maybe I should’ve tried them longer. I could easily manage the Volkl Secret 161s. I’m a solid intermediate skier as well.
5'8", I'm not a lwt.


Staff member
There are 4 models. Redesigned for 2025 are the 84, 88 and 102. Also there is a new 94.

Trailside Trixie

Ski Diva Extraordinaire
I skied on both of them last weekend but not for long. I can ski them both again this weekend. Do you ski either?

I have and love the Secret 96. I also have and love the Head Super Joy which is narrower than the total joy. If you are looking for a change, I think either will give you that change. It might just come down to sizing and price.


Diva in Training
I have and love the Secret 96. I also have and love the Head Super Joy which is narrower than the total joy. If you are looking for a change, I think either will give you that change. It might just come down to sizing and price.
I skied the Super Joy and didn’t like the smaller underfoot. Maybe I will try the Secret 96?

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