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Googles with Fitted Prescription Lenses?


Certified Ski Diva
Hi Ski Divas, one more question: Do you have a new type of goggles that includes your prescription lenses? I am afraid I just found out about them last year and didn't get a pair. No worries since I had to defer my pass until spring, but maybe I should get a pair now. If you have a pair and like them, would you mind sending a link to the place you'd recommend ordering them from? Thank you.



Staff member
It depends on your prescription. I wear contacts, but not everyone can. I ski with a friend that has the bolle insert. (Not kidding the bottom of coke bottles). He has to quickly find his real glasses if he goes inside the lodge for something. But it doesn't deter him at all.


Certified Ski Diva
I wear contacts but my kids have the prescription inserts from SportRx. They seem to work well. I didn’t pay for any extra coatings, etc, and we haven’t had any problem with fogging. They are both mildly nearsighted, so they don’t really need to carry their glasses for the lodge, but it’s nice they can see better detail while skiing without having the glasses inside their goggles.

We bought them on a year when the didnt need new glasses so our vision insurance covered some of the cost.


Angel Diva
I just bought SportRx inserts and used them this week for the first time. I have progressive lenses and I was pleased with how well they worked. No fogging issues. I do have to have the insert placed in my goggle a bit closer to my eyes then I think is intended but that's where they worked best for my vision. With my goggles I could adjust the insert a bit so it wasn't as close to the goggle lens. I carry a cheap pair of reading glasses for the lodge if I need to read something closely with my goggles off.


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
I would price both sports Rx and gogglesnmore. I found the latter considerably cheaper and have been using them for 3 years

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