Angel Diva
It's already too late for some of the ways that parents of kids in upper elementary school--4th, 5th, 6th--can have their kids ski for free. The offers are mostly for a given state.
Michigan Passport for 4th and 5th graders:
For an idea of what was available in 2022-23:
The Epic School Kids program for next season, 2023-24, will open up in Spring 2024.
Michigan Passport for 4th and 5th graders:
For an idea of what was available in 2022-23:
Free skiing passports for 2022-23, kids in 4th, 5th, and/or 6th grades in selected regions
Needless to say, it's been a while since there have been free skiing "passports" geared towards kids in 4th-6th grades. Glad they are back. Post here if you know of any ski passports. Most don't have a residency requirement. Deadlines can be relatively early for signing up. There is usually...

The Epic School Kids program for next season, 2023-24, will open up in Spring 2024.