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Face Masks: Yes or no?



I don't like my balaclava (too much material) so I only wear my neck gaiter. I have a face mask but I've worn it once when it was single digit temps. I wish I had it this weekend though - my face got a little windburned and now it feels like I got my lips botoxed when I smile!

Me on the left (giving a thumbs up I think!)



Ski Diva Extraordinaire
I did a search for "PowderFish" but was not very successful.

However, there is one listing on Ebay - for a children's neck gaiter - $5.00 plus $5.50 shipping. The ad says they fit adults, but there are no returns so I don't want to risk it.

I wear a light merino wool balaclava. When it's really cold I substitute a heavy fleece balaclava and carry a Smart Wool neck gaiter. But I'm always willing to try what might be a superior product.

ski diva

Staff member
I did a search for "PowderFish" but was not very successful.

Could this be them? They used to have more of an online presence, but maybe things have changed. At least this offers a way to get in touch.

It's supposed to be really cold today. I think it's Darth Vader time. :rolleyes:



Ski Diva Extraordinaire
skibum, I *think* I have an unused, packaged one in my inventory from several years ago (per this thread age?). If I find it - and you want it - I will pm you. Yours for the taking. Didn't fit my men's size M helmet head, could barely get it over (another one I did use, alas).

Face covering often not an option up here where I ski. Yesterday was crazy-wind-chill, heard -27, and that's dangerous territory. Good to get out of the wind once off higher aspects, but then add in the wind chill of actual forward momentum. :eek: Truly a neoprene and Dermatone day.

Lip burn can be bad news, as I posted (years!) earlier. Lips don't have the protection that other skin has, and consequences of repeated sun exposure can be ugly (luckily, my nitrous removal scar has faded nicely). Many lip balms now include good sunscreen. Worth it. Beats alternative of pricey lesion removal, by a land slide.


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
I wear a sirius beanie on my head (it keeps my hair nice and keeps my head warm) and usually a turtle fur. If it is really cold, I wear a polar fleece or a Northface fleece inside/neo like material outside balaclava and if it is really, really cold, I wear the head condom, the balaclava AND a neck gaiter. if it is over 40, I usually will wear a really thin gaiter


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
Any tips for stopping your face gear from getting soggy and cold? On the really cold days I wear a Smartwool balaclava and neck gaitor, but invariably find they get damp if I've had to pull them up over my mouth.


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
Any decent mid-mountain stopping place to remove and put by heater/fire? I also keep a hair dryer in my boot bag for this purpose when it's crazy-cold, in addition to a second set of all of the above (except the hair dryer). When things get way too damp, I stop mid-mountain, get it as dry as I can, then get to base to change out to second set. About the best advice I can offer, maybe others will have better??


Angel Diva
Yes, stop breathing! :becky:

In all honesty, I think changing out midday is probably your best option. I do that on occasion when it's uber cold.


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
We have hand dryers in the women's room. I get a TON of napkins up in the lunch room and squeeze the moisture out until it is almost dry (benefit of fleece) and then finish it off down in the women's room and it is totally dry and ready to go.


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
I did a search for "PowderFish" but was not very successful.

Weird, looks like there aren't any online retailers carrying the balaclava. Their store locator has several shops, in both California and Colorado, almost all small independent shops. I have to go to Outdoor Divas this weekend to pick up my skis from being tuned, so I'll try to remember to look and see what they have. I really like my powderfish balaclava!


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
DS is very sun and wind sensitive. Even when it is not cold - he will turn red and chapped in a heart beat. He was using buffs but found that the breathing made them damp and then, if it was windy, he would get cold. He likes the ugly neoprene masks. They keep him dry and warm. Of course, he's 15 and male so flame patterns, skulls, anything ugly appeals to him. Me, if it's cold, I will wear anything that keeps me dry and warm ... I'm not above borrowing one of his neoprene masks on a cold day. They do work.


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
I just bought an interesting looking balaclava on STP. It's supposed to be thin, warm, and breathable. After I try it I'll post a link if I feel it's superior to the ones I currently use.


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
I just bought an interesting looking balaclava on STP. It's supposed to be thin, warm, and breathable. After I try it I'll post a link if I feel it's superior to the ones I currently use.
I think I have purchased every incarnation of balaclava ever sold on STP, some working out better than others. Currently have 2 more Wickers brand on order. Is this what you purchased? They're pretty good.

I think I spent maybe, at best, a month of my ski season without one of these and neck gaiter, so I have something of a "wardrobe" of same. Have some time today to tear through the accessory box. Will let you know if I find the Powderfish. It's too snug for me (bought 2, used 1, second one is still in package).


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
No, it's a Komperdell. Have you tried one of those?

If you find the Powderfish, I'd love to try it.


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
^^^ DH likes that brand. Better fit for his narrower face. We've also had Terramar and Wickers, the latter being the better fit for me.

Okay, found the PF, it's yours, pm me (or direct e-mail, if you still have it) with mailing address, and I'll throw it in the mail to you. Silly - in packaging for 2 years, needs to be used. :smile:


Certified Ski Diva
I’m bringing this thread out of retirement to see if anyone has found a balaclava that doesn’t get wet around the mouth. Negative temps this weekend. Looking for something for my 6 year old and for me. We both have multiple options, both end up with wet material. Has anyone discovered a breakthrough to keep your face from freezing?


Angel Diva
@marzNC What is that name of that thing that just covers your nose and cheek? That works great for me because I use that for my face and then a neck warmer up over my chin.


Angel Diva
@marzNC What is that name of that thing that just covers your nose and cheek? That works great for me because I use that for my face and then a neck warmer up over my chin.
It's called the FaceSaver. Created by Bob, who lives in Park City. I found it at a ski shop at Alta years ago. Only available retail around SLC. There are two versions now, the original fleece and one made of nylon.

March 2015

We saw a new product at Snowbound Expo called the FaceGlove. Similar idea to the FaceSaver but has a wire that can be molded for a customized fit. I got one and tried it out, but found that that the FaceSaver is better if the idea is to keep warm in frigid temps. However, the FaceGlove has advantages when it's not that cold. Especially if the idea is to keep sun off nose and cheeks.


Angel Diva
Just used my FaceSaver today… still love that thing and I always have people asking me about it and where to get one when I have it on.


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
I’m bringing this thread out of retirement to see if anyone has found a balaclava that doesn’t get wet around the mouth. Negative temps this weekend. Looking for something for my 6 year old and for me. We both have multiple options, both end up with wet material. Has anyone discovered a breakthrough to keep your face from freezing?
The only solution I've found is one with stiff enough material that it stays away from your mouth. It still gets wet, but you mostly don't feel it. Mine is neoprene in the middle that's stiff enough to hold its shape (looks a bit like a KN95 mask). Unfortunately, while I forget the brand of mine, I know that particular one isn't made anymore, but there must be others in that style.

Edit: They do still make it--I guess I just looked too late in the season last year. Bula mask

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