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Distal Radius Fracture


Certified Ski Diva
Well, just finished 10 mos of rehab post-ACL reconstruction, got cleared to ski, and promptly broke my radius and ulna (ice skating/trying to--I literally stepped onto the ice and fell. I have skated in past so assume doing it shortly after ACL rehab was part of the problem... stupid stupid). Surgery (plate and screws) next week. Doc said no skiing for 10 weeks post-op. Would love to hear from anyone who has been down this road and gotten back to skiing!


Angel Diva
Ouch! How unfortunate.
Feel better and heal up fast! At least you've got practice with rehab already :eek:. It's early season, so plenty of time to get back out on the slopes before summer.


Certified Ski Diva
Ouch! How unfortunate.
Feel better and heal up fast! At least you've got practice with rehab already :eek:. It's early season, so plenty of time to get back out on the slopes before summer.
thats what I'm telling myself! that and "a few extra months for the graft to heal isn't a bad thing"!


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
Oh no well that sucks !! All the best for a speedy recovery and that you'll be able to enjoy some Spring skiing xx

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