• Women skiers, this is the place for you -- an online community without the male-orientation you'll find in conventional ski magazines and internet ski forums. At TheSkiDiva.com, you can connect with other women to talk about skiing in a way that you can relate to, about things that you find of interest. Be sure to join our community to participate (women only, please!). Registration is fast and simple. Just be sure to add [email protected] to your address book so your registration activation emails won't be routed as spam. And please give careful consideration to your user name -- it will not be changed once your registration is confirmed.

Default to Forum List


Angel Diva
Hahahah if you saw my Gmail…. Yep I am the one on the right. :doh: BUT it’s usually junk I just don’t delete whereas I do open actual emails.

And admittedly I just don’t always go into messages here for some reason. Usually I’ll see them through email and hit the link there to respond if needed. Otherwise it may show as unread here but I did read through email and might be the end of a conversation that didn’t require another response. I guess I should go through and ensure I haven’t missed anything, which is also possible. Sorry to anyone if that is the case, definitely not intentional. :becky:


Staff member

And since we've established that I'm not looking closely enough, did the Latest Activity link go away? I’d use that exactly in this scenario, when I knew I’d just posted something and wanted to go right back to it.

The "Latest activity" link is still under the "What's new" menu.

OR, if you bookmark this page, it's still in the top nav.

What I REALLY want is for that page to have the right sidebar. I suspect I'm going to be spending more time on this. :smile:


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
My default was always the forum list and then the latest posts/activity was always a sidebar on the right. I personally never really look at the latest posts sidebar. I just like going to the various forums I'm interested in and look there. But it seems like I can still do that if I just change my bookmark.
The way my mind works it just looks chaotic having all the posts from every forum jumbled in a list view.


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
Hi, yes! I was wondering if I could make this change without anyone noticing, but you noticed about... 3 hours later. :smile:

I did change the "default forum page" from the list of forums to the list of new posts. Two reasons for this:

1) The easiest way for the new posts page to show the right sidebar is to make the new posts page the default page. The right sidebar is where the ads are. I'm trying to sliiiiightly increase the number of ads while still having the ads be relatively chill. Note that you basically don't even see the right sidebar on mobile, because it's below the main content.

2) I genuinely think that a list of active conversations is a better experience for new / newer members than the forum list.

If you want to bookmark the forums list, this is the URL you want:

Sorry for the confusion!
lol, I logged on this morning for the first time since the weekend and was like, "hey, what did Rachel do?" :smile:


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
I like the way it was much better too.

Starting off from the Home page, I go to the forum page aka forum list. From there I was used to click the old New Posts link (the sub menu under Forums, not the button on the right hand side).

So typically I click on New Posts, see which threads interest me, and pick what I want to read. When I was done reading, I had a choice: to use the go back arrow to go back to the same view, or to use the New Posts link again to go back AND show me an updated, shorter list of new posts.

From time to time, I'd use the 'Mark all posts read' link to clear the field under New Posts.


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
When I logged in after the update I didn't even notice a difference because I had New Posts bookmarked. So it stayed the same for me I guess. I never cared about the Forum list page unless I specifically was looking for a category which was pretty rare.


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
I never cared about the Forum list page unless I specifically was looking for a category which was pretty rare.
no longer having that New Posts link in the Forums dropdown is annoying...

Now that I'm familiar with the whole forum, it's not unusual for me to hunt down topics such as the Diva-only Gear for sale thread, the Jacket/Pants Slut threads, Dawning Chorus, the Meetup (Meet On the Hill, Diva West) threads, the health-related threads (Menopause, Fitness/Injury). If I can't find it through the list of forums, I search for titles, OPs, or specific words/phrases.

So the New Posts link was my most used M.O.


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
When I logged in after the update I didn't even notice a difference because I had New Posts bookmarked. So it stayed the same for me I guess. I never cared about the Forum list page unless I specifically was looking for a category which was pretty rare.
Me too


Angel Diva
Today I noticed the difference on the desktop interface when I was reading another ski forum that uses Xenforo. I realized that often I decide to look at New Posts when reading a thread already. In that case, I use the What's new drop-down menu any way.

My bookmarks are always to New Posts for ski forums.

Since the way the top menu is set up is different for each Xenforo ski forum, I'm not particularly attached to any particular layout.

Screenshot 2024-10-16 at 6.45.11 PM.png

Screenshot 2024-10-16 at 6.48.17 PM.png

Screenshot 2024-10-16 at 6.48.46 PM.png


Staff member
Ok, I changed this setting back. I also added one ad to the very top of all pages, but it should never be too big (it's got a max height at all screen sizes and should always be a reasonably flat rectangle). if you see any examples where it's out of hand, please let me know!


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
Ok, I changed this setting back. I also added one ad to the very top of all pages, but it should never be too big (it's got a max height at all screen sizes and should always be a reasonably flat rectangle). if you see any examples where it's out of hand, please let me know!

Humungous Thank You!

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