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Cleaning Lift Oil off Goretex & Other Fabrics


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
I really got slimed today by a leaking chairlift tower. Dang chair stopped right underneath a steady stream of oil. My (fortunately old and dirty) orange jacket is a horrific mess now and my new sage pants are polka-dotted down one leg.

I know that cleaning products have been discussed before, but I can't find the thread. Does anyone have recommendations?

Signed Dirty Gurl


Angel Diva
I use Dawn original dish soap or Fels Naptha. Even tech wash straight on the stains can do the trick. Just know you'll need to do another waterproofing after you spot treat unless you use tech wash.


Staff member
We have a product here in Canada called GrimeEater. I don't think it's available in the states.

Usually the mountain/resort will clean things for you if you ask. I know Mont Ste. Anne and Tremblant do it.


Angel Diva
Shout, Dawn. You may not get all of it. That's a molybdenum based grease and it's the worst.
Awhile back I recall seeing something about putting Dawn on it then follow up with baking soda to scrub it a bit. Do you know if the baking soda aspect is bad for tech clothing?


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
We have a product here in Canada called GrimeEater. I don't think it's available in the states.

Usually the mountain/resort will clean things for you if you ask. I know Mont Ste. Anne and Tremblant do it.
I wish I could get down here.


Angel Diva
Not heard that it isn't. I'd try it.
If I need to try that I may do a small spot test.
I tend to use Toko Techwash since they sponsor our site and we get a good sampling of it every year.

ski diva

Staff member
I've used this recipe before and it is THE BOMB!

1. Spray each stain with WD-40, and let set for at least a half hour or more.
2. Put a small amount of Dawn dish soap on each stain, and scrub it into the stain with a toothbrush.
3. As it starts to release with off (blot off) with paper towels.
4. Continue until it the stains are not visible.
5. If the stains are still visible, do steps 1 - 4 again.
6. Wash off the affected areas with cold water in the sink.
7. Wash the item according to its instructions
8. If after washing the stain(s) is still visible: DO NOT PUT IN THE DRYER
9. If stains are still visible, start the process again.
10: Spray the affected areas with Scotch Guard, and head for the slopes.


Angel Diva
I remember lots of advice in this thread:



Ski Diva Extraordinaire
I would complain to the mountain. My jacket got slimed with something from chairlift at Tremblant a few years ago. I contacted customer service who told me to go to a certain dry cleaner. They sent the bill to Tremblant.


Angel Diva
We have a product here in Canada called GrimeEater. I don't think it's available in the states.

Usually the mountain/resort will clean things for you if you ask. I know Mont Ste. Anne and Tremblant do it.
I'm going to have to buy some GrimeEater when I come to Canada in September.


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
Next time right after you get off the chair grab some snow and scrub it off.
Tried that. It works for small spots, but I mean I REALLY got slimed - like a 1/2+ cup of black oil/grease right on my head and down the front of my jacket and pants.

Unfortunately, I had the vents in my helmet open and it also got in my hair. I had to wash my hair with Dawn dishwashing soap and 2 different shampoos to get it all out.

At least it was a fabulous ski day!!

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