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Certified Ski Diva
I just wanted to share with this lovely community that I recently attained my PSIA Level 1 Alpine Certification.

I know that it has like a 90% pass rate and all, but I was deeply nervous about it. I can't help feeling a little good about my self that I attained it.

If any of you have ever thought about getting into teaching, I just want spread some encouragement that you can totally do it!


Angel Diva
@rach93 Massive congrats from a 23 year member! It is super nerve wracking to be judged by a peer. Enjoy the lessons.


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
I just wanted to share with this lovely community that I recently attained my PSIA Level 1 Alpine Certification.

I know that it has like a 90% pass rate and all, but I was deeply nervous about it. I can't help feeling a little good about my self that I attained it.

If any of you have ever thought about getting into teaching, I just want spread some encouragement that you can totally do it!

Fantastic news - be proud of yourself, you've taken the steps!


Ski Diva Extraordinaire


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
It is a big deal. A very hardy congratulations. And I don't think the pass rate these days is still 90 percent! Keep on learning and moving ahead. I'm on year 20 of membership and it's still a journey.

Trailside Trixie

Ski Diva Extraordinaire
Congratulations!!! I got my level 1 a few years ago and of course I got the b@@l buster examiner. He was one tough cookie... It was actually an amazing experience. It was like a 2 day intense clinic..... I hugged him at the end of the 2 days. Wouldn't have changed a thing.


Angel Diva


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
Well done! Best skiing thing I ever did, plus managed to talk my husband and youngest child into doing it too. Jeez, though, our course in NZ was 5 days, not 2! Was gruelling, though totally worth it. Eventually decided to put it to use (having never intended to actually teach, lol) and taught for 8 seasons, passing L2 along the way.


Angel Diva
@Magnatude Was it 5 days of examination? The US system typically requires a few days of prep clinics before the 2 days of testing. There is/was, a written test, plus skiing, movement analysis, and teaching skills, all being evaluated for the 2 day exam. They are standardizing the actual scoring tasks and sheets across the many divisions to make the exam and certifications uniform across the entire US, which is long overdue.

Not sure about the level one, but for level three the testing days can be broken up into 3 separate days over a few years. Ski, teach, MA or done in one entire multi-day process.


Certified Ski Diva
Congratulations!! I got my level 1 a few years ago, in my 50s! I was also nervous and we did our exam day in heavy snow. But the examiner was fantastic and I learned loads on the coaching day.

now collecting nerves to prep for a level 2 … maybe


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
@Magnatude Was it 5 days of examination? The US system typically requires a few days of prep clinics before the 2 days of testing. There is/was, a written test, plus skiing, movement analysis, and teaching skills, all being evaluated for the 2 day exam. They are standardizing the actual scoring tasks and sheets across the many divisions to make the exam and certifications uniform across the entire US, which is long overdue.

Not sure about the level one, but for level three the testing days can be broken up into 3 separate days over a few years. Ski, teach, MA or done in one entire multi-day process.
Ah that makes sense! Yes, back when I did the L1, the testing/assessments were done on the last two days, with the first 3 being training. It may have changed a bit since then, but it is still over the 5 days. The written/analysis part (online) is done outside of those days. Only our L3 (and upwards) has the 3-day prep clinics, which are split into skiing and teaching (3 days each), followed by the exam.

Seaglass Skier

Certified Ski Diva
I just wanted to share with this lovely community that I recently attained my PSIA Level 1 Alpine Certification.

I know that it has like a 90% pass rate and all, but I was deeply nervous about it. I can't help feeling a little good about my self that I attained it.

If any of you have ever thought about getting into teaching, I just want spread some encouragement that you can totally do it!
Congratulations!! How was the experience for you? Wonderful!


Diva in Training
I just wanted to share with this lovely community that I recently attained my PSIA Level 1 Alpine Certification.

I know that it has like a 90% pass rate and all, but I was deeply nervous about it. I can't help feeling a little good about my self that I attained it.

If any of you have ever thought about getting into teaching, I just want spread some encouragement that you can totally do it!
Congratulations! What a great achievement this season...

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