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Carve for boots


Certified Ski Diva
Has anyone invested in getting the Carve sensor fitted in your boots with the feedback app? I wonder if anyone experienced good progress on getting on edge?? It’s pricey, but it sounds like fun. I’d likely be disappointed at how little I really get on edge! Sigh.


Angel Diva
Don't know why this thread doesn't show up in the Search . . . it's the most recent thread about Carve. Using a Google directed search turned it up.

Post #1 from December 2023


Certified Ski Diva
I've never used Carv, but I'm on their mailing list. FYI, they just sent out a survey asking for feedback about a new device where it's just sensors that clip to the outside of your ski (ie no more pad that goes under the foot). so it does sound like they are at least entertaining the idea of coming out with different hardwear.

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