Angel Diva
While it's fine to wear boots from the car, there are reasons to invest is something like Cat Tracks to not only have better traction but also to protect the soles of the boots. That material wears down walking around on hard ground. After a few years, that can mean potential issues with how boots fit into bindings. For my home mountain, I much prefer to boot up in the lodge so I don't have to walk around in ski boots any more than necessary.Follow up question….
How do you pack the boot bag?? What else are you bringing? Maybe I’m over packing. I bring two sets of gloves/mittens per person, maybe that’s superfluous. I also bring drinks and snacks, those aren’t negotiable
Is it ok to clunk around in the boots through the whole parking lot?
A second pair of gloves/mittens for a 6yo is absolutely necessary. If not a third pair if the kid likes to play in the snow. For an adult, it depends. But I usually have a second pair that are a different weight just in case.
How long do you tend to stay? Do you mainly ski in the morning and then go home for lunch? Packing for a full day, including a lunch break, is different than for just a few hours.