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Cagematch: Völkl Secret 96 vs Völkl Kenja 88


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
I don't think there will be a difference between the two as far as your skill level goes. It's more determined by where you ski, what kind of conditions you are generally dealing with, and what kind of terrain you prefer. If you ski in the East or Midwest and groomers are more of your day that off piste, then the Kenja is a better choice. If you are a Western skier and ski varied terrain and conditions, then the Secrets are a better choice. Both are great in multiple conditions and types of terrain, but the Secrets will handle fresh snow better, especially if it's boot deep or more.


Diva in Training
Thank you for sharing this video comparison, both are excellent skis. I have the 96 secrets for out west and east coast and my sister has the Kenja for the icy east coast conditions

Trailside Trixie

Ski Diva Extraordinaire
I could see having both of these in my quiver. I own the Secret 96 and LOVE IT. I just sold my 2015 and 16 Kenja and Kendo as they were aging out. I didn't like the Kenja from 2020, 21 and 22. I became interested in the Kenja again in 2023.

We just got some snow but it froze overnight so anything we got was groomed out and froze with the 15 overnight temps but already had the Secret's with me for my ski clinic this am. I'd realized I'd made an error in ski choice but I had what I had so as it goes.... I had a couple uh oh thoughts as I was starting to slide this morning but once I realized the Secret had my back 100% I started to relax and have a good time..... I flat out love these skis. Holds an edge, easy to pivot and does whatever I ask of it. Long turns, short turns, whatever. It was 100% bioler plate today in Great Barrington, Massachusetts and the Secret's didn't let me down. I had them at Magic on a very firm day a couple of years ago but I didn't remember this and was so happy with how they did today. I will definitely ski these more often now as they are pretty much good on anything.


Certified Ski Diva
In this cagematch comparison I'll go over these two siblings from Völkl
Both are good skis but they have different tenacity and may find a place in your quiver.

Ah man, I LOVE both of these skis!

I bought my Secret 96s in 2022 and pretty much solely used them went we went on our month long ski trip through NM, CO & UT. I had my Rossi's Nova 8's (which are 74s) in tow just in case, but ended up just loving how the 96s felt in all terrains. They're super playful and just so much fun to ski!

I bought last season's Kenja 88s this year and got a killer deal at REI (with the discount and some REI rewards it ended up being sub $300 before bindings). I also much prefer the top sheet color last season vs this season. But finally took her out this past week at Big Bear after this week's storms and UGH I LOVE THEM SO MUCH! They are so responsive and easy to get on edge, they connect so well.


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