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Budgeting for a short family ski trip, what's realistic?


Angel Diva
Here's another example for skiing in Utah where planning ahead is helpful for a family ski trip. Solitude has a small "village" that includes resort lodging that is ski in/out.

Solitude has had a lodging offer for the 2023-24 season since mid-November 2023 of Buy Three Nights Get One Free. Even includes breakfast. The Solitude village isn't that big but has enough for a short stay of 4 nights in terms of places to eat. A rental car is useful, especially for grocery shopping before heading into the Big Cottonwood Canyon or for skiing nearby Brighton. Or perhaps even a day trip to Alta for people with Full Ikon or Ikon Base Plus. Solitude and Brighton are on all the Ikon pass options, including the Ikon Session pass. Solitude is unlimited (owned by Alterra), even on Ikon Base.

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