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Broken collar bone coping tips?


Certified Ski Diva
Got cut off by a guy and fell hard yesterday on my left shoulder. I skied off the hill (lake Louise), adrenaline is a heck of a drug lol. Xray confirmed distal fracture of my collar bone, may need surgery, waiting on the ortho consult.

I figure other ladies here may have had this injury and may have some tips on how to actually live during this acute pain stage? like how did you shower, do your hair, what type of clothes did you wear, just little things like that. My husband helped me get dressed this morning and it was hard. Adjusting the sling brought on very intense pain. For pain I’m on Tylenol/advil with instructions to layer them together at intervals.

Just sitting on the couch feeling very overwhelmed right now on how to effectively live life with the pain/mobility issues. Thanks for any experiences or help you can share!


Angel Diva
I've broken both clavicles several years apart and yes it was one of the more painfull breaks.
I found some relief when I was in a recliner so that I could allow my shoulder to rest in a natural position.

I did not need surgery either time but was using a clavicle strap to pull my shoulder back.

I have a relatively high pain threshold and don't recall being on pain meds much past the first week or so but was on percocet for the first week the second time.

But... the second time I broke my right clavicle I also fractured several ribs so there was an underlying pain that I was going through due to the broken ribs
This was in the summer of 2011 and we were spending a lot of time on the patio so my husband bought me one of those zero gravity lawn chairs which took most of the pressure off my rib cage and collar bone. I spent a lot of hours in that chair.

The most recent injury I had was a slip and fall at a resort last year which wreaked havoc on my lower back and right hip. I avoided traditional drugs and used a cannabis gummy that is 20:1 CBD:THC.
There is so little thc in it that I felt no high from it at all but the volume of CBD was so much that my lower back relaxed and I've become a believer because advil and tylenol were affecting my gut health and the CBD does not. I know this is not for everyone, and in fact I never consumed pot of any kind until just a few years ago when I was feeling the gut health issues and thought I'd give it a try.


Certified Ski Diva
I've broken both clavicles several years apart and yes it was one of the more painfull breaks.
I found some relief when I was in a recliner so that I could allow my shoulder to rest in a natural position.

I did not need surgery either time but was using a clavicle strap to pull my shoulder back.

I have a relatively high pain threshold and don't recall being on pain meds much past the first week or so but was on percocet for the first week the second time.

But... the second time I broke my right clavicle I also fractured several ribs so there was an underlying pain that I was going through due to the broken ribs
This was in the summer of 2011 and we were spending a lot of time on the patio so my husband bought me one of those zero gravity lawn chairs which took most of the pressure off my rib cage and collar bone. I spent a lot of hours in that chair.

The most recent injury I had was a slip and fall at a resort last year which wreaked havoc on my lower back and right hip. I avoided traditional drugs and used a cannabis gummy that is 20:1 CBD:THC.
There is so little thc in it that I felt no high from it at all but the volume of CBD was so much that my lower back relaxed and I've become a believer because advil and tylenol were affecting my gut health and the CBD does not. I know this is not for everyone, and in fact I never consumed pot of any kind until just a few years ago when I was feeling the gut health issues and thought I'd give it a try.
Thank you. I’ve figured out a manageable way to sleep thankfully, as well as clothes for now (strapless long stretchy beach dress, which feels a little silly in Canadian winter but whatever!). Funny you mention the cbd, my mom is sending me a cbd lotion she had for her broken knee. I look forward to trying it!


Angel Diva
Thank you. I’ve figured out a manageable way to sleep thankfully, as well as clothes for now (strapless long stretchy beach dress, which feels a little silly in Canadian winter but whatever!). Funny you mention the cbd, my mom is sending me a cbd lotion she had for her broken knee. I look forward to trying it!
Did you need surgery?

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