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Question: Blizzard Sambas, Black Pearls or something else?


Diva in Training
I'm in the market for a new all-mountain ski. Was able to demo Blizzard Sambas, Blizzard Black Pearl in a 166 and loved them both (Sambas slightly better) - but was only able to try them the weekend before thanksgiving on a short run man-made snow in 50 degree temps in Minnesota. Looking for suggestions on other skis to try as well. (thinking about Atomic Elysians?) I did also try the Rossignol Temptation 88 and did not like those at all. I am 5'2", 135 lbs and ski both midwest hardpack and mountain west - everything from groomers to bumps. Hard to find wider all mountain skis here in Minnesota to demo.


Angel Diva
Nordica Hells Belles and Volkl Aura are two I recently demoed and enjoyed alot. I also own the Black Pearl and those are my fave still! :smile: Samba was fun when I tried it, but needed more snow I think..


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
I really like the Elysians and would add them to my quiver along with my Tierras if I could (don't tell the Tierras :wink:). They are a very fun Poppy ski that wanted to go fast but felt very stable both in early morning frozen corduroy and late afternoon slush.


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
If you liked the Sambas on a small mountain, you will love them on a big mountain. Where do you plan to do most of your skiing? That said, I am a huge Aura fan.

Joyce DeLine

Diva in Training
I am in the market for new all mountain skiis as well. Someone has suggested the Blizzard Dakotas as being a great ski. I have not tried them. I have an old pair of 20 year of mens 186 Atomic Skis. Super stiff straight skiis. They are great in hard packed groomers but nothing else. I ski pretty aggressive and fast in the groomers but get me in crude or anything else I look like a beginner. I did just return from Brekenridge and Vail and demo'd some Rossignol S3's in a 167. Someone suggested the Dakotas. Any thoughts on the ski and what length I should buy. 170 or 177's? My goal is to be able to ski anything well. Help would be appreciated.


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
I am in the market for new all mountain skiis as well. Someone has suggested the Blizzard Dakotas as being a great ski. I have not tried them. I have an old pair of 20 year of mens 186 Atomic Skis. Super stiff straight skiis. They are great in hard packed groomers but nothing else. I ski pretty aggressive and fast in the groomers but get me in crude or anything else I look like a beginner. I did just return from Brekenridge and Vail and demo'd some Rossignol S3's in a 167. Someone suggested the Dakotas. Any thoughts on the ski and what length I should buy. 170 or 177's? My goal is to be able to ski anything well. Help would be appreciated.

Well, height and weight? That helps with length and ski recommendations.

I own the Dakota and love it. There were two years of production, one really stiff (2012) and one pretty stiff (2013). They are nothing like the S3s, if you liked those.


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
Dakotas are a pretty wide powder oriented ski... full rocker and 108 underfoot (though I haven't skied them). They might be a little hard to deal with in the bumps etc?

I'd actually also rec the Sambas, if you get a chance to demo. 98 underfoot and a little camber make them a little happier on the groomers... I'm 5'5 125 and I ski a 166, so either that or a 173 if you can find them?

Feel free to correct me if needed. :smile:


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
Hi and thanks for responding. I am 5'7" 135 lbs.
I am about your size and don't like my skis too long, I ski a Kenja in 163 ( small amount rocker) and up to 170 with more rocker. I like shorter for getting around bumps and natural features etc.
I suggest you do quite a bit if demoing before a purchase to see what you like as skis are now so different from each other and hugely different from your old ones.


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
Volkl Kenja, Aura
Atomic Elysian
Dynastar Cham 97
Blizzard Samba, Black pearl
Head Mya 8
Nordica Hells bells


Angel Diva
Dakotas are a pretty wide powder oriented ski... full rocker and 108 underfoot (though I haven't skied them). They might be a little hard to deal with in the bumps etc?

I'd actually also rec the Sambas, if you get a chance to demo. 98 underfoot and a little camber make them a little happier on the groomers... I'm 5'5 125 and I ski a 166, so either that or a 173 if you can find them?

Feel free to correct me if needed. :smile:
Hey, same stats here and I also ski the 166 Samba--LOVE them!! I think they are awesome on the groomers, which is pretty much all I ski but got them to start venturing into the off-piste. :D


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
Yeah, I went with the Kikus because I wanted something more powder oriented but the Sambas would be AWESOME as an all-mountain ski. they'll still float really well in powder, they just don't surf like a powder ski would.

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