• Women skiers, this is the place for you -- an online community without the male-orientation you'll find in conventional ski magazines and internet ski forums. At TheSkiDiva.com, you can connect with other women to talk about skiing in a way that you can relate to, about things that you find of interest. Be sure to join our community to participate (women only, please!). Registration is fast and simple. Just be sure to add [email protected] to your address book so your registration activation emails won't be routed as spam. And please give careful consideration to your user name -- it will not be changed once your registration is confirmed.

Any Diva wanna join us in Japan?


Certified Ski Diva
Ski Divas, we have a lady who dropped out from our Hokkaido / Japow group trip from 8-22 Feb 2025. I have several guys interested to snatch up the spot, but I'd prefer passing it to a woman - however, they are so hard to find!!

Please DM me if you are interested. You will need at least intermediate backcountry skills. Splitboards are ok, as well.

Cost: USD 3,200 for 15 days / 14 nights, accommodation in modern lodges with spa, guiding, 1 catski day and all ground transportation included. We are a rad group from all corners of Europe and US/Canada, 80% male, 20% female. We get together globally to enjoy the finest powder skiing in the world together. Hoping to tilt the male/female balance towards more females in the future! ❤️

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